OK, so Lace just placed on Lifetime this past weekend, if they have it, why is it not on DVD??? I loved loved loved this mini series when I was a kid...COME ON!!!

Evie Decker: Did you ever feel like it wouldn't matter if you lived or died?


I agree with you. I've been waiting for years for this to be released on dvd.


I want it on DVD too. :( "Lace" has not been released officially on DVD. Beware of the bootlegs out there!

Bimbo Boy



I got it about a year ago at rarevideo.ca. It was a little sketchy-looking (as in, probably a bootleg version from being taped off TV) but the quality was fine by '80s TV movie standards. Pretty cheap, too, and it came with Lace II (which was horrible; book was actually decent as an epilogue). I would definitely recommend the rarevideo.ca copy to any Lace fans.


I posted on another thread that I also got one from Maximus (rarevideo.ca) but mine didn't contain both films. They were and still apparently sold separately. Nonetheless, I thought the copy was good--apparently a bootleg from the PAL VHS.


hint: rapidshare


Posted this earlier on another thread:

You can now order "Lace" on demand via the Warner Brothers Archive. You order it, they will press the DVD's & send them to you:


The sequel is there as well.

