Did Lili do porn?

It's been years since I have seen this movie. I haven't read the book yet. Did Lili do porn or was it a low budget skin flick/B-movie?

I will not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
I will face my fear.
I will let it pass through me.


In the book it's clear she did porn and later went into more legitimate movies (legitimate is subjective). In the movie as I remember it's a little bit more ambiguous because it was a little more difficult to get things like that across a few years back but yes, in the movie it's as clear as they could make it.


Thanks! Now I am at peace.

bushtony and his mother suffer from Congential Stupidty and they didn't see it coming.



You should read the novel; the sex passges are really pornographic, pretty lurid stuff.


The novel, which many consider trash, is escapism at its finest. In the book, Lili definitely did porn--nasty porn.


Yep! Really nasty; remember the German Shephard?! I read this at a young age, i think it warped me for life! Oh, and remember Prince Abdullah and how he used the live goldfish with Pagan? Whew!!


Oh, my, I had forgotten about the goldfish. Yes, I definitely remember that now!


Ha the goldfish! I worked at a library as a book shelver when I was 15. I picked up the novel because a lot of women were reading and I was like WOW...for some reason the abortion scene sticks in my head more than any of the sex scenes.

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.


He didn't use the goldfish with pagan.


The book is not the sleaze-fest you all seem to think of.

Lili did porn, but against her own will, she was being manipulated by a sleazy photographer named Serge, who is almost totally absent from the serie.

In a book Lili is mostly a tragic character. She also slept with Abdullah and Alexandre but was totally oblivious about the possible relation. (AND Abdullah never had the fish-thing with Pagan, that was just one of his many mistresses).

Overall all the women Lili, Judy, Pagan, Maxine(plus Kate who is not seen here)are portrayed in a much more sympathetic light and there are long long stretches about them building their careers and having problems in their love life. Shirley Conran had a history of writing feminist non-fictional books before she decided to write Lace.


She slept with her dad, before she knew he was her dad.
