Who has visited the Killing Fields?
The Cambodia government, Im assuming, made the Killing Fields into a memorial in Phenom Phen. I was living in Vietnam at the time I watched this movie so Cambodia was a short bus ride away....in fact I went a few times... and I was really shocked and traumatized at what happened such a short time ago. I liked this movie a lot, as much as someone can like a movie about such a disturbing event in man's history, but I never went to the visit the killing fields.
I think...I would be too traumatized and disturbed by it. I've seen pictures, I've heard from friends who went but I don't think I could. Actually, I looked this movie up here after reading a disgusting aritcle about a man name Duch who admitted to killing babies by throwing them against trees! If I can barely handle THAT...
So...anyone visit? How did you feel? Do you think everyone who goes to Cambodia should see the musuem?