Youre right about that but americans are also a bunch of pussies who cried white genocide and accuse of woke to anyone who made a negative depiction of the USA.
Some black actress plays a mermaid "is teh woke army"
The villain in some random spy movie is a white guy instead of an arab dude "is the jew propaganda trying to vilified white men"
Americans are ok with freedom of speech and "fun" and not take nothing too serious until they are the one eating monkey brain in a movie "that's not fun that's just racist and woke and part of the great replacement"
issue with mermaid is because no one want to see fugly people play mermaid. mermaid originally played by girl with perfect face. peoples feel good when they see beautiful people especially girl. fans of mermaids mostly girls (and some butt pirates) and these peoples are image based.
Not taking a postion on whether the film is racist or not, but some historical perspective might be useful here.
India is a lot like Mexico in that they were and probably still are hypersensitive about what types of foreign films they allow to filmed in their respective countries. Mexico after the Revolution in the 1920s and India since independence in 1947 basically have film commissions you have to submit your script to and they decide what they will allow to be depicted and also how to make changes to make the script more to their liking. I think the similarity between the Mola Ram character and the chief bad guy in the 1930s movie version of Gunga Din maybe have been an issue for the Indian government. In both cases, they were Tuggees. The movie Gunga Din was banned in Bombay and I think Calcutta - effectively meaning it wasn't shown in India since that's where most movie houses were.
So, why was the film Gunga Din so disliked by Indians when it was released in the 1930s? The movie Gunga Din was itself based on the poem Gunga Din by Rudyard Kipling, whom the Indians already didn't like. No mention of Tuggees appears in the Kipling story, because they had already been wiped out long before the historical events depitcted in the Kipling poem.
So, this was a choice made deliberately by the Hollywood studio that made it. Also, the Tuggee leader in that film also explicitly stated that his goal was to kick the British out of India, which was never a goal of the original historical Tuggees. They were a gang of fanatical bandits not revolutionaries. This rubbed the people in India the wrong way because in the 1930s Gandhi's passive resistance movement was reaching a critical phase. They saw the movie Gunga Din as a cheap shot that conflated the Tuggees with the burgeoning independence movement, which had nothing to do with Tuggees and vice verse.
Now, in Temple of Doom, Mola Ram's goal is to take over the entire Earth, so they didn't link it to independence, but evidently the Indians still didn't like it.
Lucas and Spielberg evidently submitted the script to the Indian film commission and it was rejected. They refused to make any changes so moved to Sri Lanka to make the film. Sri Lanka and India were having bad relations back in the early 80s so they were only to happy to host the Indy crew if only to spite India.
I wonder what changes Lucas and Spielberg would have made if the location in Sri Lanka wasn't available to them? They perhaps could have set the entire film in India, and perhaps had Short Round be a street urchin in Bombay or Calcutta. By making him an Indian character who had a strong personality and agency as a character it might (or maybe not) have gone someway to placate the government and its objections. I guess we'll never know.
Before we get into the racial issues, I would also say other countries have hoops you have to go through, officially or unofficially, if you want to make films in there. Israel would be a likely candidate, as would France. For instance, try, as a foreigner, making a film set in France during World War II that depicts Vichy collaborationists instead of heroic French Resistance fighters and see how much coopoeration you get (probably not much, although it might be a bit easier today now that most of that generation is no longer living).
The moral of the story for all you future film makers out there: Have a plan B, C and D ready just in case. Sri Lanka luckily was not speaking to India at that time, so it worked out. Also, be prepared to argue your case and hone your debating and negotiating skills. Never know when they could come in handy. I would point out that Lucasfilm was invited to India while filming the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. So, what ever issues there were must have gotten ironed out.
Thousands of enslaved Indian men and children are unable to defeat their enslavers/torturers, but one WHITE MAN comes in and single-handedly defeats the slave holders and frees their prisoners. I believe the term is WHITE SAVIOR NARRATIVE.
Ummmm Indiana Jones is kind of the main character and the hero. What did you expect? He wouldn't be the hero in his own film? So white people aren't allowed to save minorities? Is that what you're trying to say? I swear you people are obsessed with skin color.
It's not about white men not being able to make the movie they want
They're free to make the movie they want
Wokesters are then free to criticize the movie they made
Would the same movie be made today? H to the Ell-No. Forty years ago, audiences were more tolerant of such blatant racism (and yes, it's racism). Same as Gedde Watanabe's character in "16 Candles," a blatantly racist stereotype that would not be made today
But there's nothing to defend. The movie was made back then. We can't change history, we can only learn from it and hopefully improve.
It's like whining about Washington and Jefferson being slave owners. It'd be bad today, but it was standard 250 years ago. Complaining about the past won't change it.
To me, the best cinematic example is "Birth of a Nation," which depicts the Ku Klux Klan as heroes. But the movie's advances in filmmaking and cinematography still make it required viewing for modern filmmakers, no matter how offensive its story is now
"Wokesters are then free to criticize the movie they made"
^^ hahah no they don't!! woketards dont create shit!! that is the point!! who would guess you have white savior in western movie made by white man hahahah.
there is nothing racists about temple of doom. the temple is suppose to be weird fucking place that is full of weird peoples doing weird shit. that is what you are supposed to see when you watch this movie - weird people, not indian people. they could have set this film anywhere - china, mongolia, japan - and it still have same things happen eating monkey brains. they are not race, just weirdo.
and no one care in 1984 about temple of doom because they are told back then do not focus on race just story and character - which temples excel in. in 2023 this not case because everyone is told look to for race in everything and now you ruin everything
and long duck dong was funny motherfuckers and the best thing about 16 candle. so of course that would not be made today - because it was funny! and woketards ruin everything because you take everything serious! we are denied great film because of woketard attitude
the only snowflake are those who think temple of doom is racists.... which is you hahahahahahahahahah!!!
because of peoples like you we can no longer have good film like temple of doom or character like long duck dong because you cry race and scare the shit out of woketards in hollywood, and that mean they must make woketard films to satisfy you so you stop crying like bitches.
temple of doom and long duck dong pwn you woketards.
Oh for crying out loud, people today who label previous films as “problematic” aren’t trying to stand up for anyone, they just want to hear themselves talk and they just want to pat themselves on the back. It is the worst kind of virtue signaling.