MovieChat Forums > Iceman (1984) Discussion > Charlie was a Neandertal?

Charlie was a Neandertal?

Charlie looks like a moder man in Iceman. Neanderthals were hominids and human like but they were a different species from us. Charlie would have been quite a specimen and instantly recognized as not being one of us. Modern man, us, have walked the earth for 100,000 years. Charlie probably should have just been an ancient modern man. Good movie though!


I haven't seen the movie in a long time so I don't remember the scientists calling him a Neanderthal, because if they did then that would rewrite the known history scientists have of them. From the current data-base and artefactual evidence all Neanderthals have been place in around the European continent and the Central Asia/Middle-East. Charlie was supposedly found in North America (Alaska/Yukon?) so it would have been a profound discovery to say that Neanderthals made their way into North America.



Neandertals were outside the range of modern human variation, but not very far outside. Recent genomic studies even show that most living humans have some Neandertal DNA. (My own genome is about 3.0% of Neandertal origin.) I think they did a very good makeup job -- and, if anything, Lone played the part a bit *too* ape-like.


Yes, but those Neanderthal genomes have no origins in Siberia/North America and to this day no artefactual evidence has placed Neanderthals in this part of the world.

I think if they were to update this movie they'd say he was a human with possibly some Denisovian admixture.


Neanderthals were hominids and human like but they were a different species from us.

No Neanderthal are not hominids (like humans) but a species of HUMANS
"The Neanderthals or Neandertals UK /niˈændərˌtɑːlz/, us also /neɪ/-, -/ˈɑːndər/-, -/ˌtɔːlz/, -/ˌθɔːlz/)[3][4] (named after the Neandertal area) were a species of human"
The only mistake would be placing one in North America


Charlie being a Neanderthal in North America is not that far-fetched. Scientists have discovered that East Asians (like in China and Japan) have more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans, thus Neanderthals have traveled quite far before going extinct as this scientific article shows:

That means a Neanderthal like Charlie being stuck in the North American arctic isn't that implausible since it could mean that at least in this movie's world, the Neanderthals have just went further east and crossed the land bridge known as the Bering Strait Crossing between Russia and Alaska but died out before going further south.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Yes, he is supposed to be a Neanderthal man. Shepherd (Timothy Hutton) says: "You found a goddamned Neanderthal."


Close enough to interbreed and have fertile offspring.

Sorry, but if you had some Neanderthals, if you cleaned them up and put them in modern clothes and released them on city streets, no one would look twice.

They made tools, they had religion and they were artistically creative. 1% kept them from surviving. Their birth rate was 1% too low and their death rate was 1% too high.


It could be that we retain some part of nandie dna...
I do not recall what Charlie was supposed to be, though...

"to tax and to please, no more to love and to be wise, is not given to men"
