No, just similarly low budget, Star Wars-inspired, and featuring predominantly tv actors. I have to admit never having seen Space Raiders. Ice Pirates is a bit of goofy fun, mostly (except for that junk with Bruce Vilanche, ugh!). Battle Beyond the Stars was Roger Corman's attempt to cash in; and, as sometimes happened, he had enough talented people working on it that it turned out fairly well. They weren't big box office hits; but, they were entertaining, which is all that really counts.
I grew up, mostly, in the 70s and finished in the 80s. Well grew older, maybe, if not up. Sci-fi had to be serious in the 70s; by the 80s it had gained a sense of humor.
Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!
AFAIK, Space Raider's re-used most, if not all, of the space footage that was first used in Battle Beyond the Stars. I don't recall Ice Pirates reusing any footage.
_ Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
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by BigRich » 24 minutes ago (Sat Aug 20 2016 18:14:22) IMDb member since March 2000 so, are ALL 3 supposed to be related somehow AFAIK, Space Raider's re-used most, if not all, of the space footage that was first used in Battle Beyond the Stars. I don't recall Ice Pirates reusing any footage.