
Hello there!
I´ve read in this forum that there exists a novelization of "The Hit".
Since this is one of my favourite movies, I would simply love to read it!
Is it still available? What is the title - "The Hit", just like the movie?
Could anyone tell me where I can get it?
Thanks in advance!



Thank you so much <3!



There was a novelization (called The Hit) but it is long out of print. Maybe you can find it on eBay or Amazon? It gives a few extra details - Myron is hired as a disposable assistant Braddock plans to kill once the contract is finished.

There was also a soundtrack album on vinyl! I don't know if a CD was ever issued later. I do it just to watch their f----n' expression change.


I bought his last week and am reading it now. The Hit by Gordon Mcgil. It is quite faithful to the film but gets inside the charcters heads and lets you know what they are thinking.
