Willies decisions thoughout the film
I thoroughly enjoyed this film, I thought John Hurt and Terrance Stamp gave superb performances - especially John Hurt.
I wanted to bring up a few things that struck me about Willies character:
At first I couldn't really understand why Willie didn't escape when he had the chance. His calm and cocky behavoir seemed to lead the audience in thinking that he was playing it cool but had an ace up his sleeve. I thought that he might have been shocked at the end because he was always intending to get away at the last minute. I also thought perhaps he just wanted to meet his boss and show him he wasn't scared. Or maybe when actually confronted with death he was terrified.
The other thing that puzzled me was why didn't he try and help the innocent girl? He had a number of chances to do so, and in doing so he probably would have been rescued by the police.
I suppose the two points I have brought up about Willies decisions illustrate that he wasn't a very nice man at all. He was completely selfish, didn't care about his friends when he sold them out, and didn't care about his fellow hostage (or the austrailian guy for that matter).
In any event 'The Hit' is an engrossing film that really gets you thinking.