racism in gremlins?

theres some that say the gremlins represent blacks, from the way they dress, to the music they listen to in the movie to the way they gobble up fried chicken. they say it represents the way black males dressed back in the 80's. are they serious or just looking for attention? and for them to say that all black males dressed and acted like that back then, they are the stereotyping blacks. and if they think gremlins eating fried chicken looks like blacks, then aren't they the ones that are saying that all blacks like fried chicken?

welcome to copperhead road



No matter what, its complete crap. I can't even imagine who would come up with something as ridiculous as racism for this film!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



Are you guys speaking in some sort of code?


So what are mogwais then?
Maybe the mogwais represent young white kids, water represents the promiscuity of youth and the chicken represents hip hop.
So what we're being taught subliminally is that if you don't take care of your children and let them listen to rap music they'll bang out a load of kids and turn into black people... Why didn't i see this before!!

