MovieChat Forums > Gremlins (1984) Discussion > My idea for a Gremlins prequel (hear me ...

My idea for a Gremlins prequel (hear me out!)

Basically, it would focus on the shopkeeper Mr. Wing decades before in China, living in either Shanghai, Hong Kong, or the countryside during the Sino-Japanese War in the early 40s. Amid the chaos of war, he discovers the first Mogwai--maybe Gizmo, as we don't know how they age--and learns his secrets.

And with the WWII setting, we could FINALLY get a scene of the iconic image of the gremlins sabotaging aircraft of fighter pilots. Also, since Mr. Futterman was a WWII vet with a fear of gremlins, the story could even make him one of the Flying Tigers and bring him in for a quick bit--though the implication was that he fought in Europe.

And yeah, the WWII China setting could make it too dark/politically charged, but come ties in well, and it would have gremlins in jets!

Talyn! You're fahrbot!


I don't know if a whole movie being a prequel, would work...

I always thought the "Gremlins" movies were a missed opportunity, especially "Gremlins II". They always seemed too Comedic for me...Even though I still liked them... "Gremlins" damaging Aircraft seemed pretty evil to me... So I always thought doing it with more horror should have been done.

I always love the scariness of the Demon Like "Gremlin" in the "Nightmare at 20,000 FT" Segment of Twilight Zone: The Movie.

How about, Perhaps..., a Prequel/Spin Off/Crossover/Reboot...?

Let's say, that the US Military, really did create the "Philadelphia Experiment" in WWII, and it ripped a hole in the space time continuum, and it occasionally allows Gremlins & Mogwai to enter our universe in the skies, and they started damaging WWII Aircraft. This created the classic myth.

Some Mogwai survived the Crashes, could not get back because Mogwai can't fly, and became accustomed to Earth, and learned to live in peace, and eventually Gizmo came into existence, and met Billy...

Other Gremlins continued to occasionally threaten aircraft. Those however, came directly from the Alternate Universe and were more evil. Perhaps descendants of Mogwai turned Gremlins, or Gremlins that eat after midnight... Only these ones can fly...

Only Gremlins that directly come from Mogwai living on Earth are the more "playful" kind...and can't fly.

The TWO Airliner Incidents from the Twilight Zone Franchise were classified by the military but since they were so infrequent, and there was nothing they could do about it, they decided to cover it up and ignore it.

Another government experiment in modern times, causes the rift to widen and stay open, all the time, allowing the Evil Gremlins to start targeting a lot of passenger airliners. They all start to crash one by one. Finally the news media picks up on the fact that something is going on, and start to piece it together.

The world governments decide that they must ground all flights, and hope this will stop the Gremlins, until the governments can come up with a way to seal the rift.

But without the planes in the air to target, the gremlins manage to get to the ground...(Mountains are high enough to be at the altitude where planes fly... so they could make it there and land there, and travel down them to sea level.)

They start destroying all technology on the ground causing world wide panic, and creates the need to expedite efforts to seal the rift.

Experts are gathered, including several "witnesses" throughout time (such as Billy's family and friends.). Gizmo is tormented and scared by the world's crisis, so he volunteers to go with Billy, and braves Numerous "Blood Tests" for genetic testing so that he can help the world be safe again.

Some device is created to target the Gremlins Genetic Code, and they use it to send all Gremlins back to their realm, and a way is finally discovered to close the rift for good.

In the process of testing Gizmo's Blood, an antidote is discovered that will make is safe for Gizmo to be in the sunlight, he will no longer have reactions to Water, and food will only nourish him and not turn him into a Gremlin...

Something Like that...

I think the ending got a bit predictable in my head there, and a better ending should be done...

But would love to see the part about Scary Demonic Gremlins taking out numerous Airliners, Causing them to be grounded, and then seeing them invading cities and towns all over the world...

Perhaps even some of the "Playful" Gremlins could make an appearance too...


For the record, Joe Dante wanted to include the wartime Bugs Bunny meets a Gremlin Loony Toon as a prologue to the first film, but Warners turned him down.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson
