Top 5 reasons why Godzilla 1985 is the best Godzilla movie
1) the tone: without a doubt having the entire movie seem pretty dark, even by today's standards, still makes a chilling effect on Godzilla. Look at the way everyone talks about Godzilla, as if even uttering his name is bringing a curse onto them. I love love love how they took Godzilla dead seriously in this movie, and was never just a running joke like in some of the other ones.
2) no other monsters: as much as it's strange to say it, whenever Godzilla is by himself it makes him that much more incredible to watch. No stupid monsters to take up valuable screen time, it's the big G-man himself and himself only. There's almost an unwritten rule now that anytime Toho starts a new series of Godzilla movies the first one has to involve only him, and I like this trend.
3) some of the most chilling Godzilla scenes ever: I still get goosebumps during some of the scenes where Godzilla is just staring at people.
a) that scene where the bum looks outside the restaurant only to find Godzilla staring right at him;
b) that scene where Godzilla first makes his appearance by rising up from the swamplands, with his growl announcing his appearance.
c) that scene where Godzilla springs out of the water right in front of that helicopter
d) that scene where the group of scientists are testing out that bird-signal device on Godzilla as he passes by their building, only for him to notice it and then turn around and start to go after them
e) and the MOTHER of all scary scenes, that scene right after Godzilla topples that building on the Super X and then stares at the main characters down below, a low growl stating that he's coming after them next.
4) the suit: so far the BEST suit out of all the Godzilla movies. People criticize the eyes, but I still say it's their human like stalkish quality that still brings such an intimidation factor from Godzilla. Again it plays a huge part of the aforementioned chilling scenes. I'll take those human like eyes any day of the lizard/bloodshot eyes that he has now.
5) Innovation: in hindsight this movie brought a lot of interesting ideas to the Godzilla mythos. The fact that he needs nuclear power to regenerate, the fact that he apparently has some birdlike DNA in his body, the fact that bird-like transmissions can call to him like a homing signal, the fact that Cadmium missiles can essentially put him in a coma, the fact that lightning can revitalize him, the fact that he purposefully singles out individuals to squash them as if he has a malicious attitude like never before.