Original Godzilla?

Was the Godzilla in this movie the original Godzilla in the 1954 film? It's implied in the film that the Godzilla who attacked Tokyo in 1954 was supposedly destroyed but no corpse was ever found.


Well if you watched the original Japanese version you would know that the oxygen destroyer not only killed all sea life but pretty much disintegrated it too. But whatever, it's a good reboot but I prefer the japan version.


I believe (and I'll be the first to admit that I could be wrong on this) that the official word from Toho is that this is a different Gojira, but is assumed to be the original, as no body was found in 1954. This is my understanding, anyway.

"The moment a person finds his voice is the moment his life takes on grace."


It isn't explicitly stated in this film, but later films in the Heisei series establish that this Godzilla is in fact a separate creature from the one that attacked in 1954. The U.S. version makes it even more confusing, because Steve Martin at one point says "30 years ago, they never found any corpse," as if implying that this is the same Godzilla from 1954. But going by official canon, this Godzilla and the one from 1954 are separate creatures.


30 years ago, they never found any corpse

Well, technically he was right since the original one from 1954 was totally disintegrated by the Oxygen Destroyer. It's possible he was implying that the 1954 one had somehow pulled itself back together from the disintegrated molecules after 30 years.

Though we later learn it's a different creature entirely.
