MovieChat Forums > Footloose (1984) Discussion > Anyone Else Disapointed By The Ending?

Anyone Else Disapointed By The Ending?

Was anyone else kinda dissatisfied that our villian, Rev. Moore, didn't die at the end? I found the whole change-of-heart story twist a bit unbelievable, especially for a villian who's been so controlling, manipulative, power-mad, & just flat-out evil the entire film.

I felt the same way about Biff in the "BTTF" movies, I was always a little mad that he should've been disposed of in some way in the end.

For anyone who's seen the 2005 version of "Reefer Madness", I would've liked to have seen Moore meet the same kind of fate that Jack meets at the end of that film (beaten to death with a garden-hoe) lol

Anyone agree?

"How could she do that to me, Lisa? How could she...french her daddy?"
-Bill (the late Phil Hartman) on "NewsRadio"


I don't think the Reverend was ever evil - misguided, certainly, but he's portrayed sympathetically through most of the film. The other gentleman overseeing the book burning is much more of an ass.

Let's kick some ICE!


well sir u shoud know there r sum book that shoud b burned cos they teach peeps BAD stuff.......well we d'nt want such bad stuff like tell peeps to kis each other ok......that y aisd has spreaded such around the wrld. so pls dnt talk on wut u dnt know 2 much about ok????????


I wasn't sure if your post was a troll, and, truth be told, I was hoping it was because the truth is far worse.

How can you see the Rev as an evil person deserving of death? Because he wanted his daughter to live a more pious life, because he was against kids drinking, or because he didn't believe in kids dancing? While he was wrong (for the most part) about the dance, he was a good family man and mentor for the whole town.

I can't begin to imagine what kind of people you look up to....


the Reverend wasn't evil. he was devastated by the death of his son, and in his grief became horribly misguided, something with which he came to terms with input from his wife, daughter, and Ren

I wasn't disappointed at all

Who cares about stairs? The main thing is ice cream.
