Favorite scene?

What is your favorite scene?

For me it is when Ren goes to the warehouse and does the big solo dance scene after the fight with his uncle.

I love the music and the impromptu dance/freak out routine


I like the scene at prom where the guy in the powder blue tux picks his nose and wipes it on his pants..

Welcome to the El Flamingo, Jeffrey!
Don't piss in the pool, Jeffrey.


There are so many but if I had to pick one it would be when Willard (Chris) learns how to dance.



The ending of course, with the big dance finale to footloose.


The whole film is great.

Some quieter moments:

"I thought at least you believed in me." "I never stopped."

Ren and Ariel's first kiss after she gives him the music box. Great location and electric guitar rendition of the love them/Almost Paradise.

Willard and Rusty watching Ren and Ariel dance at the cowboy bar.

Willard and Rusty arriving at the prom.

"Go set in judgment on yourselves."

Rusty greeting Ariel outside her house on the way to the prom. Kicking the car's door shut.

Everything else...
