Conspiracy Theory

Does anyone know if it is true that the producers of this movie were visited by real life government agents who warned them not to make this movie? I heard it years ago but can't find anything to back it up or even confirm that it was even a rumor.


Dear Dean;

I heard that too, in the mid 80s.

After being involved with a Kennedy murder
60s 'follow up' and in the Video Production
business at the time.

Hollywood rumors are everywhere always.
At the time it wasn't unexpected at all.

Who can really say?? A "rumor" is a rumor.

A recent AOL poll showed only 11% believe
Oswald acted alone. Most I've been involved
with over the years, feel him a 'fall guy'
for the Warren Commission, which was a group
appointed to put a 'political (happy) face'
on the whole thing etc.

Happy trails to all...


If the rumor is true, then the script was changed in some significant way which permitted the producers to continue in the making and distribution of this film. We all know the bottom line... if Mamma aint happy, then nobody's happy and the Company is the baddest b!tch in town.


Sounds like something the PR department of the studio came up with to generate interest in the film.



..."the producers of this movie were visited by real life government agents who warned them not to make this movie".

If you believe that, you'll believe anything!


"If you believe that, you'll believe anything!"

Perhaps. OTOH, stranger things have happened. Look how long it took before any part of the US government would admit that there was a conspiracy involved in the JFK assassination (and look at how many even today refuse to see that). How did it take so long? What's the reason for that? If there was no involvement by any element within the government, shouldn't everyone in the government have been going balls-out the whole time to expose the truth? Yet that is clearly far from the case.

As far at the movie goes... very good! I really liked the storytelling and the characters seemed credible. Maybe I was just in the right mood, but I gave it an 8, even though it seems like a "small" movie to receive such a good mark. It's definitely one of the better 80s movies I've seen, in any case.


If true, I can just imagine the visit Oliver Stone received!
