How did Jake know...
... where the coke was? Was he originally looking for something else when he found it? If so, what?
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
... where the coke was? Was he originally looking for something else when he found it? If so, what?
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
When his mother and Sam skipped town and went to Lake George he went upstairs and was snooping through the room. He knew there was "illegal things" in there because earlier in the movie he had seen Sam snorting coke off the pinball machine. He found pills, pipes, marijuana and a small amount of coke in Sam's gym bag. On the floor beside the gym bag he noticed the carpet had been cut. He took a tool from the toolbox and lifted up the carpet and board. It was a hiding place for drugs that Sam had made but there was, of course, no drugs in there. Well later in the movie when Jake was looking for a way to get Sam out of the house he went upstairs to the hiding place and voila there the drugs were.
shareActually Jake did not see Sam doing drugs beforehand. He had bad vibes about the man to begin with and with Sam's bad temper, erratic behavior, inconsistencies on opening his own business, and having been evicted from his apartment and out of a job, Jake knew the man wasn't right. And the day Sam met the boys, he was coughing, blowing his nose, red eyed, and disoriented.
shareHe did see Sam doing drugs. Later in the movie Jake came out of his room and saw Sam snorting a line of coke off the pinball machine. There was music playing and several people there - including Wendy. Sam covered the lines of coke up and when Jake left Sam said "that's life... next". Wendy (who was playing the pin ball machine) put her hand to her nose and sniffed. She'd obviously already snorted her line.