Is that it?

I find this on-court exchange between justice department prosecutor Victor Worheide (Andy Griffith) and Jeff's brother, Jay (Rex Ryon) a little funny especially with the camera staying on Jay and with Worheide off-camera.

Jay: My brother's getting a raw deal.
Worheide: Is that it?
Jay: This whole thing's a sham, a farce.
Worheide: Is that it?
Jay: This whole thing is rigged from the beginning.
Worheide: Is that it?
Jay: As far as you and these investigators, I'm on the twentieth floor and I think you're a pile of... garbage and I didn't know they pile it that high.

Billy Wilder Page, Play the Movie Smiley Game


The really funny part now is Jay is now claiming his brother did do it. Macdonald also almost killed Jay when they were kids, but your right it is kind of funny.


I'm sure Jay's testimony was edited for the miniseries to the effect that it became comic relief but if Jay was as hotheaded as Jeff, then I think putting him on the stand hurt more than helped.

Billy Wilder Page, Play the Movie Smiley Game


Was excellent comic relief (for an intense movie).

The funniest scene had to be the one where Helena Stoeckley is going in to see MacDonald's attorneys and she drops her bag and doesn't even realize it.....and then the guy with her hands it to her and she looks at him like "What's this?" 

I'd say she did way too many drugs.

Ignoring: MythicCDXX, Creeping Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian
