I'm one of those people who was really interested in finding out what happened after these guys got out of prison. I had heard that there was a director in Australia that Boyce was working with and that there really was going to be a documentary of sorts about life after prison. So I've waited and waited. Nothing. In doing some searching I did find out that yes, there was going to be a movie. But the Boyces (Chris Boyce and his wife) opted out of the production because they didn't want to go public and just wanted to be left alone. I was really sorry to hear this because I tought that a movie of this caliber would have been an excellent project...
Good we don't need a new movie in which to glorify these two traitors.
I find it ironic that for someone that hated America so much and did all he could to escape to Russia that Boyce and his sleezy wife are still here, and they are living a good life. As sleezy as Boyces wife is i'm sure if there would have been a way to get money for the second movie without thier involvement publicly she would have arranged it. Why haven't they just gone to Russia yet....could it be that the Russians don't want anything to do with them since he no longer can sell out his country.
I'm only 19 and I know America does dirt in other countries but I also know that all governments on this planet are as corrupt or more corrupt then my own. And therefore selling my country out is wrong and can only bring harm to millions of innocent ppl.
Boyces wife helped free Daulton in order to get Boyce freed and that shouldn't have been allowed. They both should have been shot for treason especially Boyce who was the master mind. And Sean Penn should be shot for ever having hired a traitor to this country.
Sean Penn, Boyce and Daulton are living free and well in a country they all hate and think is evil....now ain't that ironic.
Wow. So much venom for a supposed "Christian". I've read your other posts and frankly, you're a hypocrit. Death to everyone who doesn't believe as I do! Typical Christian rhetoric... What a load of BS.
Do you know these people? Do you know Boyce or Lee or Boyce's wife? You have no idea what their lives are like - but you clearly have an agenda that has nothing to do with reality or with the movie. So Boyce's wife is sleezy [sic]and Sean Penn should be shot? Again, wow - your Christianity just completely overwhelms me.
Thank GOD! These people are human waste. The guy breaks out of prison and robs banks. They got out to soon. They should have been carried out of the pen in body bags. The last thing we need to do is make them some sort of cult heros. They just wnted the cash. I don't think for a second that guy cared about what the US was doing.... he just wanted the money. I am sure his parents must have been just sick over what they did. Selfish little pukes.