
Looking at the pathetic mess our country's government has gotten the United States into today, with the most incompetent and corrupt president, cabinet and congress in history, how does it make people look, in hindsight, at this movie, and the actions of the protagonists?


In hindsight, Boyce and Lee were guilty of espionage at the height of Cold War tensions, unrepentant and unabashed in their treason, motivated by greed and the almighty dollar. They deserved to be locked away longer than they have been for what they did, and it's rather disgusting that they were both freed after barely 25 years of confinement. And Boyce should have been forced to serve his entire 40 year sentence if not more for his escape in '80, which allowed him to commit even more crimes.

If nothing else, they should have immediately been shipped to Russia.

I'm sorry, were you hoping someone might post and say "They were heroes!" ?


Absolutely DEAD ON sir. Why do the America haters live here if it's so bad? Could it be it's BETTER than anywhere else?


Your dislike for Bush is suppose to move us to think differently of this film how? Are you trying to say that you'd do the same thing given the chance because you don't like one man?

It's unbelievable how many in this nation have lost touch with their countrymen as a whole over this political divide. It's sad that people can't get beyond party politics and start to live as human beings instead of being the proud flier of a political party who's just as corrupt as the other.

This nation has been going to pot for a lot longer than the last eight years. If you can't see this than either you spent your life sleeping or you're just plainly stupid. And, frankly, I see people who think and feel as you do to be just as much part of the problem as anyone else.


If you're unhappy with your government (and all US citizens should be) the you become an activist in some way. You try to fix the problem in whatever way you can. - But you don't sell secrets to the Russians.

Treason is treason. there is no grey area.
