Ok, so, twords the end, what was going on this the Mexican police? Did they really think he killed a cop? Why did they give him a choice of America or Russia?
they originally thought he had murdered a policeman, because, the postcard that he carried given to him by the russians, was of the exact same intersection where a mexico city policeman had been murdered...it was coincidence.
he had thrown a parcel over the wall of the Russian Embassy, and mexican police saw this, and, a known terror group in mexico, had been seen to do that before (throw a message over the wall into an embassy)
they realized he was not a murderer, because, they developed the microfilm which he had with him, that contained classified material...the FBI and CIA wanted him extradited to the US, he was given the choice of where to go, since he was going to be deported.
you should read the book. it is the true story, and the movie takes too many liberties to be "creative".
On the Wiki page on the film it's suggested that the US embassy staff who come with him to the police station knowingly allow the Mexican police to torture him, to extract the confession -- presuambly because they already suspect he's a spy. Is that fiction? Post 9/11 and all we know about CIA rendition and torture it's not implausible.
The US probably egged the Mexicans on to believe he was some terrorist so the police would take his case more seriously and go harder on him. If the cops originally thought he was merely a spy betraying the US, it might not be a crime in Mexico as well as a lot of Mexies were not all too sympathetic to the US.