I remember seeing this movie when it came out and I was absolutely riveted. Yesterday I bought the DVD ($5.99 at Long's Drugs) and watched it and was slightly embarrassed by some way-over-the-top acting. Timothy Hutton struck a few too many silly poses. I'd watch Sean Penn play an invisible mime so I don't regret buying it, but I was even finding myself muttering, "Reign it in a little, Mr. Penn". Has anyone else had this reaction? It just didn't retain its power. Maybe I'm just crankier than I was 20 years ago.
I think most of Sean Penn's whiny attitude was intended to demonstrate how Lee's drug use was affecting him and made him unreliable. If you watch the scene where Lee and Alex are eating at the Obelisque (where Alex first asked about the frequencies) you'll notice he is more calm and controlled. Or even the scene where he and Alex first meet. Compare that to later on where he starts complaining about being left in the park and having to switch hotels, showing up at the embassy after being warned not to return, and putting the X-marked rendezvous point at the wrong street corners.
Yeah, the film still really works. The opening is a little clunky, after the opening sequence with the 80s music and what not. But once you get into the story it's great.
A lot of the whiny attitude could also be attributed to the fact that they were both essentially still kids when this was going on. Weren't they barely 21 or so when it all transpired?
I have to agree with your comments. While this movie is worth watching (I thought Hutton was strong in this), I thought Penn's acting was way over the top and had to turn down the television a few times as his voice was really grating during certain scenes when he attempted to argue. Its nice to see that his style and delivery have matured. I would also make a comment here about an incredulous plot but this was apparently based upon a a real situation...
"It's nice to see his style and delivery has matured."
Sean Penn is a great actor. His style and delivery changes to fit the part he is playing. He's not playing Sean Penn but a character in a movie. I thought his characterization was great in this movie and added to the believability of this character.
I'm glad you like Sean Penn. He is a popular actor and some people, such as yourself, think he is great. I don't. He was annoying in this film. It was him. I don't think his character was written into the film with a view to be annoying. That's his voice and delivery - not the dialogue.
I don't like Sean Penn the person, but he is a great actor. If he came across as annoying that's because he regarded and interpreted the Daulton Lee character as an annoying and whiny person. That was my take.
Just rewatched this and it still holds up very well. Regarding comments about Penn's "over the top" performance, I have never really understood or agreed with that term. Exaggerated mannerisms perhaps but IMO it is a valid form of acting as long as it is done well. A couple of British actors who are accused of being "over the top" are Tim Roth and Gary Oldman, two of my favorite actors.
Its kind of like comedy, some people like subtle humor where others prefer larger than life kind of comedy. Its all good in my book, the key is the talent and delivery of the performance.