Russian translation?
I'm new to this board, so I apologize if this has been asked before.
Is there anyone here who can provide a translation for any of what the Russian characters were saying as they spoke amongst themselves?
I do not speak/understand any Russian (except for a few words here and there), nor do I personally know anyone who does, so I would be very appreciative of any help that anyone could give me.
In particular, I am thinking of the scene where Daulton Lee is in the Mexican restaurant with the two Soviet agents, Alex and Mikhail.
At the end of this scene, Lee pitches his idea for them to smuggle heroin from Peru into the U.S. using Soviet diplomatic pouches. The Soviet agents look at each other incredulously. Mikhail (the older man) then turns to Alex and says something in Russian. Alex simply responds, "Da" (I know enough to know that "da" means yes).
But I am very curious to know just what exactly Mikhail was saying. I can guess that it was something along the lines of, "Is this guy some kind of a nut? We've got a loose cannon on our hands!".
Also, in the later scene in the basement of the Soviet embassy, Mikhail discovers the nude photographs and he jumps up and begins to shout at Lee in Russian. Once more, I can kind of guess what was being said here, but I am interested to know what it was exactly.
Again, I will be extremely grateful for any assistance at all that can be provided in this area.
Thanks, and have a great day.