MovieChat Forums > The Falcon and the Snowman (1985) Discussion > Anyone else notice the screw up?

Anyone else notice the screw up?

I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this but in the scene where Sean Penn (Dalton) is arrested and the cops are telling to "cut a deal" and Penn's character is alone after Dalton requests to "talk to his attorney alone". There is a screw up - Sean Penn as Dalton says "One deal I make with these guys and I'm a dead man, I can't cut a deal" and the lawyer turns to him and says "Sean, there aren't many option here" - LOL. I had listen and go online to verify that Sean Penn's character was in fact named Sean. Not sure if anyone else caught it - just thought it was funny. There is a Tom Cruise movie where they same mistake was made, the actor says "Tom" instead of the characters name.


LOL that's really a screw up :)))


There's also a scene like this in Star Wars (A New Hope) where Luke Skywalker accidentally refers to Princess Leia as Carrie when he comes back to the hangar after blowing up the Death Star.


lol i haven't noticed that !. I have this film on dvd, i'll have to listen out for that again !


i had never heard that before, definitely gonna look out for it

but the star wars one isn't true, though i have heard what you're saying before...after blowing up the, the rebels land back at base mark hammill gets out of his x-wing and shouts 'hey' while running into leia..and i guess it sounds a bit like carrie, but it's's clearly hey

the best good there is the storm trooper hitting his head on the door in the control room scene, too funny

it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it


This is in the goofs section but you may have added it. I never noticed it myself and I've seen this film about 50 times.


I have heard it since i last posted. I can't believe they didn't notice that when they edited the film lol !.


Are you sure he didn't say, "SON, there are not a lot of options ....." ???

That would be typical lawyer-speak in a situation like this.


Actually son is what I'm hearing as well?


I suspect you're right. It's hard to conceive that they wouldn't catch a blunder like that, and either do another take or dub it over.


Except he says "son" not Sean.


You’re a complete DOLT. He doesn’t call him Sean, he calls him son. What a DOPE


Lol, the arc of this thread is hilarious


In 1978 Dawn of the Dead the main actress calls the character Steven by his real first name, David (David Emge).
