MovieChat Forums > Dune (1984) Discussion > Dune reboot-Denis Villneuve 2018

Dune reboot-Denis Villneuve 2018

DREAM CAST:Sebastian Stan as Paul Atreides/Kwitzaz Haderach
Gal Gadot as Chani
Viggo Mortensen as Duke Leto Atreides
Cate Blanchett as Lady Jessica
Tilda Swidon as Rev.Mother Mohiam
Noomi Rapace Rev. Mother Ramallo
Benedict Cumberbatch as Thufir Hawat
Andy Serkis(MC-voice) Guild Navigator
Sean Bean as Duncan Idaho
Jason Statham as Gurney
Ralph Fiennes as Dr. Kynes
Christoph Waltz as Yue
Callan Mulvey as Stilgar
Brian Cox as Baron Harkonnen
Dave Bautista as Beast Rabban
Michael Fassbender as Feyd
Guy Pearce as Piter De Vries
Liam Neeson Padishah Emperor Shaddam
Daisy Ridley Princess Irulan


Villneuve's Blade Runner sequel has been getting some good buzz (Ford called it the best script he's ever read), but I'll wait and see how it turns out before signing on for a Villneuve-lead Dune remake.

I love Lynch's Dune, flaws and all, but I would love to see a talented director take another crack at it, staying more true to the novel and with a vision for a duology (With Dune Messiah as the bookend) at least.

Some very strong casting suggestions BTW. Would go much younger w/Paul, Chani and Feyd, however.


Would you prefer Logan Lerman as Paul?Emma Watson as Chani?Domhnall Gleeson OR Adam Driver(with an orange head)as Feyd?...I will take an older actor like Sebastian Stan or M.Fassbender over the "young blood"


No, those actors don't appeal to me, but in the original novel Paul is supposed to be 15-17, and Feyd and Chani roughly the same, and I think something is lost when you age these particular characters into their mid to late 20s (30s in the case of those actors suggested by the OP). I don't know that you'd have to go quite so young (unless you just found the perfect actors), but I wouldn't go any older that 21-22.


this ^^

Plus we can't forget that Chani is half Fremen blood, so picking somebody like Emma Watson (although a talented actress) is just spitting in the face of the idea that we want a PROPER adaptation.

That means casting actors that match roughly what Frank Herbert described - not "whoever is hot in Hollywood".

There are plenty of talented actresses around the right plausible age range and who also could pull off somebody who from book descriptions has at least a deep tan from the sun, and facial features that fit the genetic stock the Fremen are well described as being - a mix of Middle Eastern with likely East Asian stock (Zen + Sunni after all) plus whatever Pardot and Liet Kynes were - we could presume "whitish" but I can't recall if their race was ever specified, so there's a bit of flexibility there.


I love your list and think it would be a hell of a cast. I put together a list of my own and took a more practical look at the cast list. Like I said I love your list I just think that kind of money for the cast alone for a remake of a not very profitable original is unrealistic. I choose a lot of lesser known actors and few "bigger names" and kept a few of your choicesDune cast list
Duke Leto Atreides- Toby Stephens
Lady Jessica - Eva green
Paul Attrdies- Freddie highmore
Gerney- Jerome Flynn
Dr yeuh - burn gorman
Thewfer - John Rhys-Davies
Duncan Idaho- Nathan Fillon
Baron Harkonnen- Conleth Hill
Rabban- Jonhah hill
Piter- Ben Mendelsohn
Feyd- Tom Felton
Chani- Elle fanning
Stilgar- Clive standen
Rev.Mother Mohiam - Shohreh Aghdashloo
Liet-kynes- Hugo weaving
Paddish emperor shaddam IV- Charles Dance
Princess Irulan- Daisy Ridley
Andy Serkis(MC-voice) Guild Navigator


I am very impressed by the casting choices made by the posters on this topic. The only casting choice I would like to see is Jim Cavizel as Dr. Yeuh.

I loved Cavizel's work in the movie Outlander. He has an other-worldly and melancholy way about him which would fit in with Dr. Yeuh.
