Cool film
Man that was such a cool film.Saw it when i was vey young,and loved it.Will have to look out for the other 3,as i never knew they made some more.Ok the sets,acting and fight scenes probaly look crap now,but it will always take me to another place,and time and lots of good memorys of my childhood.And me and my cousin sword fighing in my garden,till late at night,ah great times really.
By the way talking of sword and fantasy films,i always remember one from the 8os i think,that had a well fit blond girl from a amazon village,and she went on a quest or something like that.Great fight scenes think it was italian as it was i believe dubbed,and had a single word her name as the title,cannot remember it for the life of me,anyone know it?
A news paper at the time in the uk even said it would kick of a load of female warrior pictures,and they may overtake men in these kind of films,of which it obviously did not.