I just gave this movie an 8/10 rating.
80's fantasy b-rated movies are a genre all their own. You had your high budget fantasies of the 80's (Willow, Dragonslayer, Legend, Neverending Story, Labyrinth, etc.) and you had your b-rated fantasy movies (Deathstalker, Krull, whatever that one with Jack Palance was, etc.) and they just shouldn't be held up against one another. Especially now that there's a cult following of b-rated 80's fantasy movies. Yes, this movie is total crap, but that's what makes it great. One thing I didn't realize (I haven't seen this since the mid 80's) is how objectifying it is of women... so much so that this would never have gotten an "R" rating is it was released today. And the young people today think it's great to see a little boob here and there through the movie should watch this... I swear breasts are out well over half the movie. Not only that, there's full frontal nudity, not just breasts. You don't see that anymore. Last but not least, it was kind of neat seeing the guy that plays Airk in Willow as one of the bad guys in this movie. He's about 5 years younger and a LOT less buff than he was in Willow. I got the Roger Corman Sword And Sorcery Collection that just came out today, and it's awesome. It's the first time the movie has ever been released in widescreen and the transfer looks about as good as you can get for a low budget 80's movie. 17 bucks gets you Deathstalker, Deathstalker II, The Warrior And The Sorceress and The Barbarian Queen all in one set.