MovieChat Forums > Birdy (1984) Discussion > what did you think of the scene of birdy...

what did you think of the scene of birdy in the car with his prom date?

My brother laughed. Personally I was bemused. A lot of the film hangs on this scene working or not? what does it mean?


Birdy just wasn't interested in girls. All he wanted to do was stay home with his birds, but was pushed by his parents to go to the prom. His date thinks all he wants, like most boys, is sex, but when she offers up her breasts, he only sees them as biological objects, and he handles one as if it's a lab specimen to be examined. The book goes into much more depth about his relationship with the birds-- he wishes he were a bird, and he lives vicariously through them, dreaming and imagining himself in their bodies, seeing through their eyes, flying, and even mating.

"Let's go terrify some Baptists!" -Emma Thompson


I agree that Birdy just wasn't interested... whether it was in girls or just in Doris(?) I'm not sure. I think when he was handling her breast he was maybe trying to see what the big deal was. In another scene Al talks about the girl he was just mkaing out with and how his hands were all over her breasts and Birdy just doesn't understand why that would appeal to anyone. As he says, "There just over-developed mammary glands." So I think when he had them in front of him he was sort of "testing them out" to see if they gave him the same reaction they gave Al.

illegitimus non carborundus - don't let the bastards get you down


actually Birdy was yet to show an interest in girls. if the book was continued you would soon find that he became enoumasly infatuated with the oppisite sex. how do i know? i was a long time correspondent of mr. whartons. Almost all his books are very autobiographical. I last saw him ten years ago when he did his first booktour for a book about the loss of his daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren, in a terrible car accident in oregon, which was due to the practice of supposedly controlled field burnings for the grass seed business. he decided to finally step out from behind his psuedonymn of William Wharton, for a cause and book that he felt was important enough to break his annonimity. He has spent most of his adult life in France with an Apartment on the west bank of the siene, a houseboat on the siene (he wrote a great book about that housboat simply tittled: a houseboat on the Seine. He also spends his summers in the Burgundy where he owns a fixed up 16th centuary mill. His primary source of income over the years has been his work as an impressionesr painter, of which he is a European icon, even having his own Museum. I f you would like to know more about Mr. Wharton consider reading: Scumbler, A Midenite Clear, Lost Lovers, The Pride and Dad(also a national book award winner). He still spends summers in Asbury Park, an is originally from Philadelphia. His passion for Birds still runs in him as he leaves several pairs of canaries loose on his houseboat everyday, and they always return at night. I had the pleasure of meeting him and his lovely wife about 10 years ago. He also owns a degree in psychology and is a veteran of WW II. The movie replaces Vietnam for WW II, but is otherwise very faithful to the book. He also wrote Tiddings, an autobiographical work of fiction about family and his love for Christmas, as well as Franky Furbo, which also explores his psychological upser over his service in WWII. A midnite Clear has also been made into a fine feature film about WWII and innocense. Manny of his books are out of print or available in large format paperback only. Ever After is the tittle of the true story about the loss of family in that horrendous car accident in Oregon. He is in many ways a simple man who originalllllly moved his family to Paris out of his dissapointment in America's cultural direcction. It has been his home for 30 plus years. By my account he should be about 82, 83 if still alive. I would have to think he is based on seeing him as a bear of a man in 1994, full of vitallity and love of life. The book Dad was also made into a feature film starring Jack Lemon and I believe Ted Danson. Lost Lovers film rights have been purchased, but the status of that project seems to be in jepordy but is well worth the read. In total he wrote eight books, as far as ones published. To meet him is to realize you may well be in the presencce of a future literary giant. Something that, rather unfortunately, is often only awarded after the authors death.



great post. thanks.

the only certainty is that there is uncertainty. "that's a known known, Donald"


Great film and a very funny in ways scene, by the way and dont take this a me being a perv, but what was the name of the girl she had a quite stunning pair of boobs all real or so it seemed to


Maud Winchester

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


I don't normally write crude messages about boobs, but if I was to write a book about the best boobs in cinema, she would be right at the top! It was almost painful to watch the male character seem so disinterested in such a pair.


He's only mildly curious about her breasts, from a conversation earlier with Al, so he gives them a quick feel, and is satisfied with that. She is seen admiring him in class, and evidently understands that he's different. She offers herself for his sake, but takes it well, as if expecting it, when he doesn't pursue the opportunity. What a GREAT girl! I hope they got married after he got out of the hospital and army.
