Terry Brogan vs. The Dude

Haha, wouldn't it be funny if two of among Jeff Bridges' most memorable roles would meet? The two characters are based in films that are pretty much neo-noir; AGAINST ALL ODDS is definitely a lot more faithful to the old-school detective films (albeit with a very glossy, MIAMI VICE-feel to it), while THE BIG LEBOWSKI spoofs the category.

Also, anyone notice how drastically different Jeff Bridges looked between the two roles? Granted, the time difference is noticeable between AAO and TBL. But, holy crap...Bridges as Brogan had a very good, strong frame, while the Dude had a huge pot-belly and sagging features! Just thought I'd bring this ditty up for all the Jeff fans out there.


Tom Cruise shaved his hair for Minority Report. (He must have looked beautiful??!!!)

Sigourney Weaver shaved her hair for Aliens 2...***...

Tom Hanks lost weight right down to life threatening point for Philadelphia then piled it on with a hairy beer belly and Crusoe type beard for Castaway. ***

Russell Crowe in The Insider and Gladiator??!!

Renee Zellweger Bridget Jones 1 & 2.


What do all these individuals have in common.. They are "ACTORS"!!!!


not to mention deniro's different weights in Raging Bull

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


Christian Bale in The Machinist!


gary sinese having his legs removed for Forrest Gump...

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


To pbl1:
It has been a sucky day, thanks for the giggle...


Kudos to Gary Sinise!

Still, I think I read an interview where Bridges basically said that he does not look like Brogan when he's not working, but more like The Dude. He stepped right into that one, apparently.

Which goes to show that Jeff Bridges is The Dude.


Bridges always matches his body weight to his role. He's gained and lost weight many times in his career. A fit Dude would be in appropriate for the character.

... End of line.


Terry Brogan becomes the dude after he gets screwed over by his woman and his friend...and pretty much everyone in his life. He finally figures out that it's all a waste of time and he's better off just smoking weed and drinking 'White Russians'...I agree with him!
