Things Learned From Against All Odds
1) Men who drive fancy cars like to race each other on normal city streets with normal traffic.
2) Head coaches like to get football players they don't like injured.
3) Always shove your backstabbing lawyer into musical instruments during a public event.
4) If you fix a football game with someone, never cheat the other guy of his cut.
5) Sully can leave the team in mid-season to take trips to Mexico to find Jessie and Terry.
6) Only Terry liked Sully. When he disappears, the other coaches, players, owners, the press don't really notice or care.
7) When in trouble, fugitive heiresses always run home to their abusive boyfriends instead of their disapproving mothers.
8) If you expect conflict with environmentalists, give yourself some cover by contributing money to the Sierra Club.
9) Sully could have been head coach of the Outlaws. Instead, he's just Jake's errand boy.
10) Rich people with helicopters can land them on the field where the football team practices.
11) Kid Creole's backup singers don't shave their armpits.
12) Samoyeds are friendly and loving. Dobermans are mean and dangerous.
13) Los Angeles belongs to people like Caxton.
14) When setting up your ex-friend for murder, be sure to leave a nasty note for him in the files that he's supposed to steal.
15) Even the client you screwed can give you useful advice.
16) Security guards are nasty people.
17) Though Caxton controls Jake, he makes no effort to get Jessie away from him.
18) If you have sex with an attractive woman in a foreign country, she'll become everything you're about and the love of your live.
19) Football players are enlisted to help sell real estate.
20) Never, ever pay an attractive-looking friend to go find your attractive girlfriend in some exotic locale.