Things I Learned While Watching This Movie...

Hello Folks:

Here is what I learned from watching this movie:

1. There is an eighth dimension out there somewhere.

2. There is a top secret device that allows a body to teleport through solid material, such as a rock or a wall.

3. When aliens are attacking you, they will not have any weapons of their own. (You notice when Buckaroo and Crew were fighting the aliens toward the end of the movie, hardly any of them had any guns of their own?)

Anyone wants to add more?



I learned that the great movies never get a sequal...yet we have to put up with how many Harry Potter movies? Airbender movies? Eeeeeh and Twilight sequals and yet one of THEE greatest sci fi movies of all time? Gets the red headed step child treatment :(

The Panther {1AT}


I learned that "sequel" doesn't have an "a" in it.


4. No matter where you go... There you are.


5. You don't have to be limited to one occupation. It is totally cool to
be a rock star, a neurosurgeon, a physicist and whatever else you want to
be simultaneously


6. There's no need to be mean.

The Spacehunter Forum:


In a forgotten text (you can download it from the Buckaroo site, if it's still there), I learned that an 8th dimension really IS a possibility.

She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.


7. Movies I saw in the 80's are NOT as good as I thought watching them now OR what was I thinking back in the old days!

We're all in strung out shape, but stay frosty, and alert.


8. That a girl can be named "John".

And when we didn't have no crawdad, we ate SAND!
