WHO played SAM

I think the characters name is Sam. He is under the jet car when the water bottle crashes into it. He gets up and says "OK, who's the wise guy? I said who's the wise guy?" and then John Bigboote kills him with a poison spitball. I can't find him in the credits????????


Yes, the character's name is Sam. I have also wondered why the actor didn't get a screen credit. I mean, why did the actor who played the Marine guard in the President's hospital room get a screen credit but Sam didn't? I think that this is Hanoi Chan's fault


Well Played!


Thank you!


Does anyone know when Buckaroo Banzi vs.The World Crime League is going to be released?


Probably never. The original was not a box office success so plans for the sequel were scrapped. If Buckaroo Banzai vs.The World Crime League was ever put into production a whole new cast would have to be assembled. The original film came out 32 years ago and everyone is too old now.


Yes, you definitely have a point. Besides, the ID sequel came out 20 years later, and the results were not pretty.

BTW, did you see Peter Weller in Star Trek Into Darkness? He did a great job as Admiral Marcus. But it was a little strange seeing Buckaroo Banzai playing a bad guy (so to speak)

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!
