Recent Movies have Reinforced my Opinion: Excellent
If the last three major Hollywood "hard science" Sci-fi films have taught me anything (Gravity, Interstellar, and The Martian), it's this: Both 2001 and 2010 are downright TERRIFIC realistic sci-fi movies and are the clear-cut bars to which every other "hardcore" sci-fi movie should be compared to.
And in actuality, 2001 and 2010 shouldn't be compared to one another because really neither should exist on its own; they're meant to be viewed together as one story. 2010 completes the story arc where 2001 left off. Really, the only differences between the two are philosophical and cinematic approaches to film-making.
God, I would love a remake of both of these as ONE movie :). That's what this current generation of kids need for a proper hardcore sci-fi movie!