MovieChat Forums > V: The Final Battle (1984) Discussion > Julie's Hilarious Conversion Chamber Sce...

Julie's Hilarious Conversion Chamber Scenes...

Does anyone else find it near impossible to sit through Julie's conversion process without busting out laughing? I mean, a scene that could have been quite impressive was done in the most juvenile fashion. Instead of making her face her worst fears, they show her lots of smoke and flashing lights with scary voices and giant lizards. The worst was yet to come when the giant Godzilla head on wheels was chasing her down the hallway. This may have been disturbing to an 8 year old, but that's about it. It's like the script didn't really go into any details about what the process involved, so it was left up to the set designer and director to dream up some idiocy on the set. It's unintentional comedy gold!

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Reminds me of a club on south beach high on x


And poor Faye Grant, having to stand there in that body stocking making a fool out of herself...captured on film forever. AT least the other people who were forced to step foot in the chamber only had scenes that lasted but for a few seconds. Hilarious.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I actually just watched the whole series on SYFY for the first time and that was very comical! What I didn't get was I thought Diana had discovered something horrible that happened in Julie's childhood between the age of 5 and 8 and it would be terribly traumatizing for her to experience it again, but it was just too funny to be traumatizing with that big Godzilla head - I'm certain Julie wasn't faced with Godzilla as a child! I still don't get how Godzilla was part of Julie's greatest fear from childhood - or did I misunderstand something.

The more I talk to you, the more the pain floods back.


No, you didn't miss anything. See, this mail order club called Columbia House used to sell various series and such on VHS years ago. They released all of the V mini-series and the episodes too. I eagerly bought them because I had fond memories of both mini-series and remembered V The Series being sort of dumb but entertaining. Well, when I was done with V The Final Battle, I called and canceled the subscription. While V did in fact live up to and exceed my memories of it, The Final Battle was kind of terrible, especially the further along it went. I was aghast over the conversion chamber scenes with Julie. I just couldn't believe my eyes! So, I will admit to very fondly looking forward to seeing the conversion chamber again on SyFy yesterday. As expected, it was unintentional comic gold. The Godzilla head was awesome in it's ludicrousness. Seriously, I think the writers didn't go any further than the suggestion of something traumatic in Julie's childhood, leaving the rest to the director and SFX department who thoroughly dropped the ball. I just can't believe they made the scene so damned stupid. We get it...the visitor's are lizards in disguise. That doesn't make them traumatic, LOL! As far as I am concerned, Julie should have been laughing at the disco lights and being chased by giant Godzilla heads. Oh, what a missed opportunity the conversion chamber was.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I love The Final Battle but those conversion scenes went on way too long and dragged the middle of the series down. And yes, the lizard chasing Julie scenes are hilariously bad.
