MovieChat Forums > V: The Final Battle (1984) Discussion > Questions no one seems to be asking.

Questions no one seems to be asking.

First off I really liked the original mini seres. But this follow up was so poor and so cheesy it basically insulted the original.

Here are some questions regarding the inanely stupid plot of this show.

1. What happened to all the thousands if not millions of people the visitors already took aboard their ship for food storage?
Great victory and all but without even giving those people a second thought it is rather cold.

2. Why eat people at all? There is so much bigger better game on Earth I would think people would be way down on the list.
Not to mention the people could be used as great slave labor and as mentioned in the show front line meat shield soldiers.
Those that were to old or sick or weak to work or fight would simply be killed.
Why would they want to eat old sick people?

3. Why would they destroy the Earth? That is about the most unthought out story line for a TV show I have ever seen.
If food and water is what they lack then once they get the humans under control the planet is theirs to use as much as they like.
They would simply keep coming back to replenish their food and water supply.

4. Why would they wear their human disguises EVERYWHERE? Humans only had access to a very small portion of a very few ships.
Why would they wear their disguises in places where humans could not possibly see them?
They even show Diana and Brian screwing while wearing their human disguises.
Just plain stupid!

5. Why would the visitors waste time on trying to win over important or highly recognized people?
Since it was shown they could make themselves look like any human like the lizard who looked like Donovan, why wouldn't they just kill off those people and take their place?
The reporter gal who started to speak out and was killed. Why not just take her aboard a ship and eat her up then replace her with a look a like lizard?
Sure would be a lot easier to handle.

6. They show on live TV around the world that John is a lizard in human guise, the reporter speaks out about how real it is and is shot dead, never to be seen again also on live TV around the world.
The visitors re shoot Johns presentation and play it back a few hours later with some old lady no one has ever heard of telling them what they seen live was fake and what they seen taped is real and everyone believes it no questions asked.
My question here is. Who wrote this crap? It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Your point about them wearing their human disguises everywhere is a good one, similar to one of my gripes - why do they speak English constantly even when they're in the privacy of their own quarters and nowhere near humans?

Another is how ridiculously absurd the whole Willie & Harmony romance is. It would be the equivalent of a human visiting a lizard planet dressed in a lizard suit and falling in love with a lizard! Absurd.

Added potential goof bonus - Daniel's father is seen at the end of the series walking out of his house celebrating the victory, with a woman who looks nothing like Bonnie Bartlett who played Daniel's mother in the original series, which is how Daniel ends up living in their house alone. This is forgivable if they couldn't get Bartlett back for the shot but in the original series Daniel's parents are taken to one of the ships to be stored as food. I have a feeling they forgot this plot.


I think they mentioned they had another enemy out there so they were converting the humans to be their soldiers of war.

Julie and someone else maybe it was Elias were sending radio signals out to space at the end of one of the episodes looking for help i think also.
