Daniel's final scene

From watching this on TV when it first aired, I remember Daniel's come-uppance as follows:

After he's set up by the Resistance, there's a subsequent scene where he's dragged in front of Steven by a couple of shock troopers (having clearly been badly beaten first) at which point Steven bluntly informs Daniel that he's going to end up on their dinner table. However, on my DVD (Region 2) this scene is missing, and the last time we see Daniel on-screen is during the scene where Brian is abducted.

Is this scene also missing on the Region 1 DVD?

There's always something to look at if you open your eyes.



Daniel's final scene is shown on the Region 1 DVD release.


He had blood coming out of his ears because the black older guy Elias father pistol whipped him in the head and said that's it, pffffffffff.


His final scene should have been him actually being processed for food. That would have been a good scene

What we do in life echos in eternity


To be placed in one of the cocoons?

Seeing them at a table to eat would come across as being unintentionally campy, which the 84/85 did reveal - with the episode where they try out a new food processor and we hear the guy scream to death, though that's at variance with the previous continuity where the food source had to be kept living until being eaten.

Didn't the 2009 reboot show Diana (season 2) with blood around her lips? If that's because they're showing "the V's" (ugh, the changed name, ugh) eating live humans -- that might be one of the few times the reboot did anything with more focus behind it...


That scene made absolutely no sense to me. The resistance hated Daniel, his loyalty to the Visitors was never questioned and the only evidence against him was one anonymous phone from a human. How could Steve have been so stupid, falling for what was obviously a set up?


Of course the set up was obvious, that's the whole point. Steven simply didn't care. Daniel gave up everyone and everything to suck up to the Visitors hoping that doing so would make him somebody with power. But he meant nothing to them. He was a useful stooge and nothing more. With Brian's disappearance and the accusation against him, Daniel was a complication and thus expendable. Seduced, used, and thrown away. That's what fascist dictatorships do to people.


I have a region 2 release (UK) and the scene is on my version. What country did you get your discs from, Leda?


That's true. This also happened with Nazi collaborators and sympathizers. They were almost always drug off to be exterminated in camps once their usefulness was over.


Another reason why Steven believed that Daniel was probably guilty of the accusation leveled against him in the anonymous phone call is that Daniel said that he and Brian would be with Maggie Blodgett and her friend, and that Maggie was a nurse at that particular hospital. When Steven called that hopsital he found out that there was no nurse who worked there by that name. I think that and witnessing Daniel´s previous willingnesss to sell out his human friends and even his own family caused Steven to think that Daniel was PROBABLY guilty and that was enough reason to get rid of him. Steven was not of the mindset that Daniel should be given the benefit of the doubt. Plus, there was an apparent motive in Steven´s eyes for Daniel to get rid of Brian. That if Brian was gone, that Daniel wuuld move up in the ranks by taking Brian´s place and hence have more power.
