The visitor aliens were evolved dinosaurs but wrong type
An implied scientific explanation for the reptilian alien visitors is that on their homeworld, the dinosaurs did not go extinct and kept evolving into a sentient race.
Interesting concept, considering that the study of dinosaurs has advanced greatly since 1985. The wealth of information on the cunning raptors who spread all over planet earth by the late Cretaceous indicates the raptors were slowly but surely evolving into more intelligent predators. The early raptors in the Jurassic Period resembled tiny, more slender allosaurus types. But by the end of the Cretaceous Period, as the 6-mile Baptistina asteroid was threading its way through our solar system en route to its catastrophic destiny with Earth, the most evolved raptors looked nothing like their ancestors. They were covered in a coat of downy to light feathers. Their heads were not as oval and had started to flatten somewhat. Interestingly, their teeth became much smaller, from the large, long, cutting dagger shapes like allosaurus, became tiny, almost peglike, but still retaining the razor-sharp cutting and slicing ability. Their signature feature, the wicked, hooked, killing claw on each foot, remained unchanged. Paleontologists infer that the late Cretaceous raptors roamed the land in innumerable packs, like wolves. The same scientists made models of the raptor brain by referencing the size of the raptor braincase. It's creepy, but the raptor possessed uncanny and highly skilled hunting ability and the capacity to learn and make decisions. The raptors were thought capable of communicating with each other in a primitive way, but more effectively than wolves among each other. In some ways the latest raptors were more intelligent than predator mammals at killing strategy, but lacked the other brain capacity that mammals have such as a dog's ability to bond and empathize with its human master on even an intuitive and emotional level. The raptor was not thought capable of this due to its non-mammalian brain. In short, the raptor may have behaved and acted like the alien monsters from the sci-fi horror franchise, 'Alien'.
What is my point with all this paleontology history? If perchance the raptors evolved into higher intelligence, they wouldn't have humanoid or hominid shaped bodies as in V. We'd still be looking at a sentient being whose body still resembled a raptor. The advanced intelligent raptor might have evolved more dexterous claws that could be used as hands. It's present body might be more stocky and less agile than before due to evolution since intelligent raptors would no longer need to hunt. They would be manufacturing their own food much as humans maintain herds of cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, so forth. It would be strange conversing with an alien species that looks so animal-like, but yet has its own culture, language, writing, technology, and perhaps even art.