MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > 2-hour version of pilot + 'Dreadnought' ...

2-hour version of pilot + 'Dreadnought' (summer '85 reruns)?

Anynone else remember this?

When NBC set out to begin airing reruns of the weekly series in the summer of 1985, they combined the first two episodes, 'Liberation Day' and 'Dreadnought', into one 2-hour event movie. They used the opening credit sequence from 'The Final Battle', left off the subtitle, tweaked the credits for series accuracy, and replaced the original music from 'The Final Battle' with the music from the mid-season replacement credits sequence.

Who else remembers watching this, the two-hour movie version of the original pilot and second episode? I used to belong to a Yahoo V Group where the moderator mentioned (on his own without any prompting from yours truy)having seen it. I remember it quite vividly but cannot seem to find any info on it anywhere online.



The final episode of the original run aired on March 22, 1985 according to Bob Greenberger' editorial in the letters section of issue #8 of the "V" monthy comic from DC. Greenberger also mentions that "V" went into reruns in May of 1985 (in his editorial from issue #11, dated Dec. 1985). Therefore, the two-hour combined pilot would have aired sometime in May, when NBC officially brought "V" back in the form of summer reruns. They combined the first two episodes into one pilot movie, to re-introduce the series to viewers, before the rest of the reruns aired.

It definitely happened, as not only do I have personal memory of it, but the moderator for a "V" Fan Yahoo Group mentioned it in a mass emial he sent out to all members of the group, without any prompting from me, totally independent of my memories. I never told him about my personal memory of seeing this back in 1985. He just happened to have remembered seeing it also.

Let me ask you this, Kimberly-Shaw, do you have a solid memory of seeing the first two episodes separately, NOT when they originally aired, but as summer re-runs? If not, you may have missed the pilot-movie when it aired before the rest of the re-runs. If you do recall seeing the first two episodes separately when the re-runs began to air, then for whatever reason we have conflcting memories.

I remember quite vividly that the combined pilot movie had new opening credits...apparantly they (NBC execs) had taken the opening credits graphic design from 'V - The Final Battle' (black background with giant V getting progressiviely smaller) but repaced the background music with that found on the mid-season replacement credits. I remember being amazed as a youngster that the opening for the show was no longer showing any live-action footage, but instead was virtuially identical to the second mini-series, showing only the "V" logo with cast & crew credits.

Since the commecials advertising the re-runs had proclaimed that "V is back!", I had falsely presumed that we were getting all new episodes or a new two-hour movie. The alternate opening credits only fed into my misconceptions at the time. Untill the first scenes played out, showing Mike, Julie and crew back on the mothership, recapping the final moments from the second mini-series.

But the "Liberation Day" portion of this airing did not end the episode, instead, it went straight into "Dreadnought". The two epsiodes had been re-edited into a two-hour version by NBC execs. I have no idea what possessed them to do that. I only know that it happened. I have no idea why it is not mentioned on the IMDb or why so few others seem to remember this. But it happened. As I said, other "V" fans have also recalled having seen it.



I know what I watched that summer in 1985. In know this 2-hour version existed, and when someone I've never spoken to before about this matter described the exact same thing without any prompting from myself, to me this is proof that it aired. I have faith that somehow, eventually, others who remember it also will speak up about this matter.


I have found the email in question inwhich the moderator for the "V" Yahoo Group describes his own recollection of the 2-hour version of the pilot. The email was recieved by me in 2005, but I did an internal mail search using the phrase "Liberation Day" and found it, somehow I never deleted that particular email. But more tellingly, I found another email listing the rerun airdates for "Liberation Day" and "Dreadnought" as being 05/17/85 for BOTH episodes. I then took it upon myself to do a google search using the phrase "Liberation Day 05/17/85" and stumbled upon a forum post that claims to list all the rerun airdates, allegedly sourced from Starlog issue #105, from 1986.

Kimberly-Shaw, to really get to the bottom of this, what we both should do independently is find sources listing the rerun airdates for the first two episodes, and then compare what we separately have come up with, complete with the urls to the sites from which we obtained the info.

I'll start:

Summer 85 rerun airdates For V The Series (US:NBC)

Liberation Day: 05/17/85
Dreadnaught: 05/17/85
Breakout: 05/24/85
The Deception: 05/31/85
Visitors Choice: 01/25/85
The Overlord: 06/25/85
The Dissident: 06/21/85
A Reflection in Terror: 06/21/85
The Converion: 06/28/85
The Hero: 07/12/85

Taken from Starlog #105, 1986


So far, apart from the one I already listed in my post directly above; I've only been able to locate one reputable site that archives old TV listings. I'm still searching to see if there are more out there. This one's called, "your link to all things TV". The site has a feature that allows one to find out "what was on TV on your birthday", as they put it. It allows one to "enter any date since 1950". Try it yourself, set the search for "05/17/1985", then click "GO". Tell me what you come up with, if it shows a one-hour time slot or a two-hour time slot for "V" on NBC.

Here's the url:



What I would really like to see, Kimberly-Shaw, is an actual scan of the TV Guide page listing for the first rerun of "Liberation Day", to see what sort of time block is alotted, one hour or two hours. I've been looking online, haven't turned up anything yet. I'm going to try to locate newspaper TV listings from that specific date that are archived online.



Well, that's very interesting. I've never even been to that particular site. I'll have to check it out. The plot thickens!


"Who else remembers watching this, the two-hour movie version of the original pilot and second episode?"

Well, I CERTAINLY remember it (I even have an off-air VHS of it that I obtained in a trade years later). I also remember that the following week was the premiere of the previously-unaired episode 'Breakout', which had been skipped during the original run due to its concentration-camp theme (and which caused slight continuity problems as both this episode and the one that followed 'introduce' Kyle to the resistance).
