MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > V Series 1 Vs Series 2

V Series 1 Vs Series 2

Hi Guys, 1s time doing this so please bear with me here :-) I have 2 questions that I Have been wondering. In Series 2 of the original V the visitors voices had changed to normal human style voices. Also in series 2 when Kyles father was killed he had a sensor on his wrist that if his pulse stopped tanks and tanks of red dust was released in to the atmosphere which was suppose to kills the visitors and maybe harm the humans (refer to episode 1 when julie and kyles father was talking) Am I right in saying there were only 2 series of the original V?? last episode was when kyle got on the visitors ship with the star child Julie?



with regards to your 2nd question, nathan bates had some kind of device attached to his wrist as he revealed to diana in episode 1 of the tv series.

he told diana that if the device was removed or he died then the device would emit a signal that would release the red dust into the atmosphere (i'd imagine from storage tanks kept in SF).

we didn't really see this device again though it was mentioned by diana in the episode after nathan was "accidently" shot by ham taylor.

you could argue that perhaps it was a bluff by nathan to deceive the visitors but then again he himself mentioned it to his son kyle just before he died.
maybe the script writers just didn't follow up on it or changed their minds.


The altered voices of the Visitors was not dropped in V the Final Battle. It wasn't dropped until the weekly series. Ham Tyler gave Julie and Donovan voice devices to mimic the Visitors in the 2nd Episode of V The Final Battle when they go on a recon mission of the Water Pumping Station.
