Lane Smith

I felt so sorry for Lane Smith's character when he died. I know Nathan Bates was certainly not a good guy but to die at the hands of that little creep Chaing was no way for him to go. Any other actor playing Bates and I wouldnt have given a damn but in the hands of Lane Smith I liked Bates and was sorry to see him go.

RIP Lane Smith.


Agreed, he was easily one of the best characters in 'V'.

According to an interview with Lane Smith back in the '80s, the Nathan Bates character had been envisaged as a more obvious ruthless villain, but Lane thought it would be more interesting to give him a bit of ambivalence.

He may have gone a bit power mad, but I'd rather be living under his rule in the Open City than out in Lizard Land. I tend to think he had some decency in him, but as they say, 'power corrupts'...

You have to wonder how long Chiang would have lasted as Emperor of Los Angeles; shame they didn't explore that for a few episodes.


the highlight of the series for me was when Chang died !


"The game is over, Kyle." How true!


Hello GetSmarter,

I like Lane Smith; and in fact I thought his character was one of the best of the series. Yes he played both sides of the fence, but to me his character was a plus to the show. I too hated that chang he made my skin crawl, what a creep. I thought the episode were he was shot and killed was a ratings killer, I believe he held the series together with his character Nathan Bates. They should have never killed him off what a mistake, because the series was lame after that, they did try to improve it by bringing Frank Ashmore in as Martin's twin brother, but it just wasn't the same. Lane Smith will be missed; but never forgotten.

Kris L. CocKayne-abucki4ever71
RIP Lane Smith


Hi buckikris. I agree completely. V was never the same after Nathan Bates' death. I thought the Frank Ashmore/ Martin twin brother thing was ridiculous. Much the same as Charles & Diana getting married in the show too. Charles & Diana!! Surely not a coincidence!
If you like Lane Smith, I recomend you check out his Twilight Zone episode "Profile in Silver" in which he stops JFK's assassination. It's on youtube if you haven't already seen it.


Hey GetSmarter,

OMG the Charles and Diana episode, it was awful :P. It was ridiculous indeed, I was like WTF, if ithe series is going to continue like this, please pull the plug. I like Lane Smith he was a great actor, I never knew he could play in a comedy until I saw Son-In Law, he and Pauly Shore were hilarious. The first movie I saw him in was Dark Night of the Scarecrow, I was only 10 at the time; but that movie scared the crap out of me. It is one movie that still makes my skin crawl to a point. I will have to check out the Twilight Zone episode, thx for the info. BTW did U like the new V series that only lasted 2 seasons?


Was Lane Smith in Dark Night of the Scarecrow? I have seen it but can only remember Charles Durning, and Joceyln Brando ( Marlon's sister )and of course poor Larry Drake. Excellent film too, probably one of the best TV movies i have seen.
No i didnt like the new V. Sadly i gave up on that after the first episode. There was no spark there for me :(


Hey GetSmarter,

Yes, Lane Smith was in Dark Night of the Scarecrow :). He was the one who Charles Durning approched about his concerns with Bubba and the little girl. He was shreading the brush at his house in the beginning of the film. His character met his fate about 55 minuest into the film, by getting ground up in his brush machine. There's a famous quote in the movie, by Hocker's wife:

I think here name was Marion? She asked Harless if he started planting. Hocker replied, what have you ever seen me planting this time of year? She then says if your not planting why would you put up a scarecrow?

This gets his attention,then U see him in his truck going down to the cafe and blaming it on his two friends, Philby and Skeeter.He thought the 2 of them put it out in his field. Do you recall his character, now ? They do have some of the clips from the movie on youtube of him.

You are so right this movie ROX, just watched it the other day, got it on DVD. It's pretty cheap at Amazon, if you don't have it. The new V well I thought it was great when some of the original cast members came back in the final season; but it lacked. I still wondered why they called them the V's it sounded so lame.
Kris :)


I vaguely recall Lane's character now, and if the film is available on DVD I'll buy it. It is way better than the current crop of horror films that gets released today. A very eerieand creepy chiller.
And i might just give the new V a second chance at some point too. Part of the reason why I was so disappointed in it was because I was under the wrong impression that the series was a direct sequel to the original series as opposed to a remake. I was hoping to see the likes of Marc Singer, Faye Grant, Jane Badler and Michael Ironside return once more. When I realised that was not the case I was sooooo disappointed and sad and wanted nothing to do with the new series.



Hey GetSmarter,

Yes it is available on DVD, Amazon has 26 new starting at $ 7.05 and 6 used starting at $7.50, might as well get the new 1 huh. It is a very creepy movie, and it is one I can watch over and over again. The score gives me chills, especially at the beginning of the film. The current crop of horror films, just suck; they have no plot and the actors-PLEASE :P.

The new V lasted only two seasons and Marc Singer returned for the last episode; Jane Badler was in two of the episodes; but that wasn't until the 2nd season. Their appearance did help the show; but I was expecting more of the cast from the original also. I thought it would get a renewal, due to Marc Singer's appearance as Lars. I was surprised it only lasted 2 seasons; but it was different than the original and I think that hurt it 2.

BTW there is another movie with Lane Smith that look's really good, The Final Days, he plays Richard Nixon. It is out on DVD to buy; but I wonder if the rental stores might have it.

You on FB, It's addictive, but they have some cool games I luv to play.It's one way I can keep in touch with a lot of my friends back in Ohio. I hope Ur day went well for U , will talk l8ter, if U get back to me tonight I will try to return it, Ohio State bskball starts @ 6:30. Hope U have a great evening :)!

Kris L. CocKayne :D


Hi Kris. i was on FB once but i havent been on for some time now. I'm in England and I dont think Dark Night of the Scarecrow is availble on the European R2 make. It is one of those films I have always looked out for. Alongside a couple of other brilliant American TV movies- Hostage Flight and Don't Go To Sleep.
I'll check out The Final Days. I know that's available in the UK, although I cant see any resembalance between Lane and Nixon LOL.
I hope you enjoyed the basketball :)



Hey GetSmarter :D,

I did some checking on Ebay, Overstock, and Amazonon the DVD's most seem to be region 1. You wouldn't happen to have a VHS player would you. I have a combo, it's the only one I will get, I have too many VHS tapes, I still love to play :). They do have VHS, but some of the prices seem outragious. I don't know why they make region 1 and region 2 DVD players. I have some friends from FB who live overseas and they tell me it's a pain in the ass. They have told me the VCR players R universal, is that true? If U do have a combo VHS/DVD player, I believe Ebay has the VHS copy for under 20 dollars. I hope Ur able to find it in region 2, though.

I saw a clip of the movie on Utube, OMG I couldn't believe it, his portrayl of Nixon is to a T. I would like to see this movie because I do like political dramas, plus I was a baby when Nixon was Impeached. So I'm stoked to find out this was out on DVD. This version is better than the Frank Langella one, from what I heard.

I will give you some advice on a new movie, The Ides of March, it's terrible, I like George Clooney, but the only good movie I have seen him in was A Perfect Storm. I rented The Idesof March and was shocked by how awful it was, it is so boring. BTW I was hoping to see The Ohio State Game but it was blocked out, they won but was surprised it wasn't carried down here. I'm in Kentucky and there game R usually televised; but not this one >:(. Hope U had a great day :D!


Hi buckikris, I just checked on and The Final Days is available here in the UK so I might just get it. I'm not too keen on political films to be honest, but if Lane Smith is in it then it should be worth it. I noticed Richard Kiley is in the cast too. Funnily I have just been watching him in a Columbo film this evening :)



Hey GetSmarter :),

This politcal film looks really good; I can't wait to see it. The film also has Gary Sinise in it too, B4 he became famous from Forrest Gump, CSI NY, and Reindeer Games. Did you ever get Dark Night of The Scarecrow, I know it's on VHS for a reasonable price, well some of them? I just can't understand why it was never made for region 2 DVD players. I do hope Ur able to find that one, it's such a classic, a great movie to watch anytime; especially around Halloween. Hope U had a great wkend :D!


Hi buckikris, i think i'll try and get a download of Scarcrow, I know it's not the correct thing, but if I cant buy it then I'll resort to that :)
I like Gary Sinise too, so that is a bonus also. I love him in CSI.NY. He'd be a great ventriloquist because his lips never seem to move when he speaks!! LOL. But he's a great actor, just like Lane Smith, he can play either good or bad.

MY weekend was fine thanks, hope your's was too :)



Hey Mike :),

I just watched Scarecrow again last night, nothing on TV; and each time I see it it gets better. I've downloaded things before , everybody does it. I remember b4 the big debate about Napster we would download a bunch of music, oh well they get paid a fortune anyway. I hope your successful in downloading it. I think Gary Sinise ROX, he has a great voice, that's why he narrarates a lot of programs for The History channel. I think Lane Smith was a great actor, he wasn't big like Harrison Ford; but he put his heart and soul into every performance. Hollywood lost a great star in 2005 >:*(, he will be missed; but never forgotten :). I agree you are so right, Sinise is just like Smith both can play a protagionist/antagionist equally well; and that's something that's rare Ur either cast mostly as a protagionist or antagionist. The actor's who can do both are very talented. Btw my weekend was great The Wildcats and Buckeye's both won their bskball games :). Today was great did my wkout outside this afternoon it was in the upper 50's, the only time U felt the cold was when the wind picked up.

Kris :)


Well here in England it is freezing cold !!!!!
I'm currently trying to download Scarecrow now. Hopefully it will be fast and I can watch it today. I'm in the mood for a good scary movie :)


Hey GetSmarter,
It's a lovely 57 degrees here today, but the wind is awful. It's a good thing I got my workout in early; because the clouds are coming in. It's nice to have a warm up, but it's not going to last long. They are calling for snow this wkend-BOOHISS. I hope you were able to download scarecrow successfully, it's always a great time to watch a scary movie when it's freezing outside.

Since your a big fan of Lane Smith, did you ever see Dorthy and Ben? It's a segment of the successful Amazing Stories series that came out in the mid 1980's. I downloaded Dorthy and Ben from youtube, because the story is great and his acting in it is one of his best. He also did an Outerlimits segment, Glyphic, this came out in 1998, it's a great story with an X-files type ending. If you seen them tell me what you thought of both episodes.

Hope you had a great day and try to stay warm, Spring is a month and 21 days away :D.



Hi buckikris
I have managed to download Scarecrow and I will watch it tomorrow night. I'll dim the lights and have a few beers at the ready too :)
I am not too sure if I have seen that Dorothy and Ben episode, but I have seen many Amazing Stories episodes so I could well have. Coincidentally I have just watched one of my all time favourite episodes of Amazing Stories this evening- Guilt Trip, starring Dom DeLuise :)
Enjoy the nice weather. It is freezing cold here in England ! :(



Hey GetSmarter :D,
It was so nice here; but rain is moving in tonight:P. I'm glad you got to download it and successfully too :). The Dorthy and Ben story is the one were Ben awaks from a 40 yr coma and can communicate with Dorthy, a ten yr. old who is in a coma from a bicycle accident. It's a touching episode, Lane Smith, plays Ben's doctor. I too have seen alot of Amazing Story episodes; but this one is one of my favorites. I remember that show used to be so popular when I was in Junior High, it was one of my favorite shows to watch :). I will have to check out the episode your talking about, I'm sure it too is on youtube. I hope you enjoy Scarecrow, that movie ROX still to this day. It is a cult classic, it's like Star Wars, it will be around forever. Hope U have a great Wednesday :).
Kris L. CocKayne


Hey GetSmarter,

How did Ur movie go, did it download OK? I hope it's warmer there today, weather has changed here again, instead of snow this wkend, looks like it might rain; but temps will remain warmer than usual. BTW when U are able to see The Final Days, tell me how the movie was. I just saw the clip of Lane Smith as Nixon. He looks great in it, I couldn't believe how he resembled Nixon in the movie. I read some of the comments; and some1 wrote that his performance made Frank Langella's look laughable. Well have a great Thursday :)!
-Kris- :D


Hi buckikris
I haven't yet had a chance to watch Dark Night of the Scarecrow, I have decided to keep it for the weekend, I'll enjoy it better then :)
It's still cold over, or perhaps I am just a wimp. The forecast isnt too good either. But us Brits are used to it. It's cold over here until about June!!
You have a great Friday and a great weekend my friend and I shall speak to you very soon :)



Hey GetSmarter,

Ur right watching a scary movie is better over the wkend.. I noticed on CNN that most of Europe is in some kind of freak storm, is sourthern Italy getting it 2? I also hate the cold; and I lived in Ohio until l8TE 2004, I luved it when I was growing up, but I'm ready for Spring. I start counting down the days til Spring, after Christmas. I am more of a sand merchant than snow bird, LOL:).My wkend is going well so far, got to wkout, yesterday outside and today inside due to all the ran, Ohio State and Kentucky won their bskball games. I am hopeful that Sunday will be warmer, with less rain. I almost forgot The Super Bowl is tomorrow, I like ftball, but professional not so much; if I watch it, it's usually 4 the commercials.

I hope your wkend is a good one eventhough the weather sucks over there, try to stay warm; and hopefully the weather will start to warm up soon. I had no idea it is cold over there until June-WOW. Do U ever reach the 90 degree mark or is that a freak thing in the Summer? Stay warm my friend and I will get back to U either Sunday or Monday, probably Monday :). The Puppy Bowl is on @ 3pm and I am such a dog luver; and then The Super Bowl is on around 6pm.

Take Care,


Hi buckikris, it might have a slight exageration when i said it's cold here til June, it's not too bad, it does warm up a bit in April, but not as much as I would like. We have had a slight bit of snowfall, so the ground is a bit crisp.

I watched Scarecrow on friday night. I did like it. The part that i found a bit strange tho was Joceyln Brando's death. Why did Charles Durning blow up her house? She died of a heart attack and there was no way he'd have been implicated !
A very creepy film. Lane Smith reminded me a lot of Anthony Perkins in that film.

Have a good Sunday my friend, I'll speak to you soon



Hey Mike :),

OK it's not that bad over there, but still cooler than usual, right? It's been really nice here, a bit cool; but I'm able to get my afternoon wkout in and I'm loving it :D. The cold weather is on it's way here, going to have upper 30's as our high, I'm counting down those days until Spring, can't wait, I luv the warm weather. I just checked my IMDB account @ 8:20pm, been on FB since 6pm, so it's probably 1:20am there, now. I hope U had a great wkend, I did watched the Super Bowl well actually watch the commericals. Then around the end of the 4th quarter popped in Son-In-Law and watched that. I have to say Saturday was the best becaue Ohio State and Kentucky both won their bskball games and got my heavy wkout in :D.

I'm glad U got to C Scarecrow, my favorite was Hocker, too bad he was the first one of the mob to go :(. I thought he was excellent in that part, and Ur obervation of him by comparing him to Perkin's is a good 1 :). The part of Joceyln Brando's death. My theory is I believe he blew up the house in order to hide/destroy any evidence left behind; that could come back and bite him in the ass. This would include a body, so they can't do an autopsy on her to find the cause of death, any fingerprints left behind, or fibers, such as hairs, clothing, etc.. It's just a guess because I know DNA evidence was not that advanced back then. I think basically to hide any fingerprint evidence? If U remember the Fire Inspector thought it was a gas explosion that did her in, and without a body-case closed. It's a guess, but U think I could be on the right track?
I am having an awesome Sunday, how about U did Ur Sunday go well? I will check in tomorrow evening my friend. I hope U have a great Tuesday :D!

-Kris- :D


Hi Kris

A friend of mine sat up til 4 am watching the Super Bowl. i never knew he was interested in American football.
The weather here is still cold and icy, it's treacherous to walk on. I called into a pub ( or as you Americans would say- a bar ) on my way home for a couple of beers and walking to the bus stop afterwards was very tricky on that ice!!

I think you are right about Jocelyn Brando's death scene, Durning was trying to cover his back by erasing all suspect traces. Personally I think he was also scared that The Godfather himself would come track him down!! Lol

And I agree with you too about Spring, I'm counting the days down too. It's February now so we are getting that bit closer :)

Speak to you soon

Mike :)


Hey Mike :),

OMG now that's a dedicated ftball fan 4 real; and that is odd liking football over soccer. I like college ftball over professional, it seems like they play for the sport while in college, instead of the money. As for soccer, I played the sport, and it's alright, but I was involved in my schools bskball, softball, and track. I luv all sports except for wrestling and boxing :P, what about U? I glad U made it home from the bar OK, in the Winter-time walking on ice is treacherous. Yeah it's mostly bars here, but there is an Irish Grill and Pub, downtown here called Patty's. They are suppose to have great food, I'm just trying to find the time to check it out.

LMAO, on the prediction! I can see it now, Brando comes to Durning; and makes him an offer he can't refuse-right, LOL. It's been forever since I saw that movie, but I still remember the scene were the guy wakes up only to find his horse's head in the bed with him. A word to the wise don't mess with the mob, The Godfather 1 was the best of the trilogy, don't U think?

I think our little warm up is going to go away for awhile, we are getting a 20 degree drop starting tomorrow; and I'm not ready 4 it. Well the cold weather is great for popping in a movie to watch. I will have to check out The Final Days @ the store, It's 15 bucks through Amazon, but I thought it would be wise to rent it first. I know 4 a fact that Lane Smith does 1 hell of a job, BTW if U want to drop me a message about anything here's my address :)-[email protected]. I hope U have a great week and will probably talk again tomorrow, bskball comes on tonight @7pm. UK v Florida, can't wait, then I think Ohio State plays tomorrow sometime :D.


Hi Kris

No I have to admit I am not a sports fan at all. Everyone in the UK is all excited about this year's Olympics. Frankly I cant wait until it's over!! lol.

It's still bitterly cold over here, but thankfully the ice has gone. the temperature this evening is above freezing at 3 degrees but my God it is soooooooooooo cold. My feet have been like blocks of ice today when i was out and i had 2 pairs of socks on !!!

Yes you are right about The Godfather 1 being the best, tho I did enjoy part 2, but it was not in the same league as the original. Brando and James Caan were solely missed. Even tho Caan did make a brief appearance at the end of 2.

When you do see The Final Days let me know what it is like and if it is good, I'll get a copy of it myself.

Take care Kris, speak to you soon



Hey Mike :),

How is Ur weekend going, mine is been a busy 1 :P. I'm starting the indoor Spring cleaning and actually got alot done, especially today :). It is cold here to, like in the 20's as a high, tonight our low is going to be 16 degrees >:(. It snowed here yesterday, and since we usually have warmer Winters than Ohio, we got a little ice with it too.

I forgot The Olympics are in London this year, I can't wait, I love them. I am more of a Summer Olympics fan than Winter; what about U? In fact when are they suppose to start, June?

I will try to rent The Final Days, probably Friday? I want to see Star Wars Episode 1, and the video store is there by the cinema. I just hope they have a copy of it? I will let U know though, I know it looks good; but inorder to rate it I have to C the whole thing.

I hope U continue to have a great weekend, I'm watching bskball, Ohio State's playing know and their in a tough one with Michigan State :P. Then @ 9pm, Kentucky plays a Vanderbilt and that will be really tough game. I just hope they both win tonight.

Well stay warm; and U too take care,
-Kris- :)


Hi Kris, I'm pleased to say it's a little warmer over here today :)
My weekend was fine thanks, I watched two films on DVD at a friend's- The General's Daughter and Case 39. The first i did like, the second not so much. I prefer older horror films to the more newer ones of today.
I hope your weekend went ok and I hope you enjoyed the sports. As for the London Olympics I think you are right, June is ringing a bell. But I could be getting the Olympics mixed up with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations in June when we get an extended weekend over here :)
I hope you manage to rent The Final Days. It is quite obscure. Most video stores over here wouldnt have a 20+ year old TVM available to rent. I hope you have better luck over there in the States.
Keep me informed and I look forward to hearing from you soon, take care :)



Hey Mike :),

It too is a little warmer here; but we had rain today. It is suppose to be in the 50's tomorrow; but I will have to wait untillater in the day to enjoy it, at least we are getting back to our normal temps. for this time of the year :). My weekend was great just a little cold, got my wkout in, of course it was my indoor one, due to the snow. I have The General's Daughter, a very good movie by the way; as for Case 39 that one I have never heard of, is it an Indy film? I too watched some movies over the weekend, one was Valentine. It's a great movie considering it's a horror film that came out in 2001, and we all know what today's horror films are like.

I am wondering who is Queen Diamond Jubilee, I feel stupid asking this, but U never hear about it here in the States; as for an extended wkends, they are great :). I hope I am able to find The Final Days to, I would like to rent it before buying it-it's smarter that way. The video stores here, have alot of older movies; but some of them are going out of business, due to RED BOX and NET-FLICKS. We did have 3 here, but 2 closed shop and 1 was Blockbuster. I see theaters in the future will probably lose more of there luster to, because of bad movies and outragious ticket prices. What do U think? Well I will find out Friday if I am able to get the Final Days, I plan on going 2 C Star Wars TPM. I am a huge Star Wars fan and since it's in 3D, I can't miss it on the big screen.

Well I hope U have a great week, and May The Force Be With U :)!


The Queen's Diamond Jubilee is the 60th anniversary of reign of the British Queen- Elizabeth II, the mother of Prince Charles, the grandmother to Prince William, etc. She has been on the thrown 60 years this year so there are plenty of celebrations afoot over here.
I have seen that film Valentine and I liked it. I love slasher horror movies like that. My favourite is the original 1978 Halloween, closely followed by the Friday The 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street films.
As for Star Wars, I get confused about what they are "oficially" known as these days. But I did enjoy the first original two- 1977's Star Wars and 1980's Empire Strikes Back. I gave up after that I'm afraid.
The weather is still mild here at the moment, but i have seen the dreaded forecast that predicts ice and snow for the weekend!!

Take care Kris, I look forward to speaking to you soon



Hey Mike :),

Ok I got U on The Queen's Diamond Jubilee, I didn't know if it was something different or if it concerned Queen Elizabeth? They never called it that here in the States. Well one things for sure it's going to rocking over there, sweet.

I love the old scary movies, there are some that still creep me out to this day, Halloween, The Amityville Horror-Original, Friday the 13th-original, Nightmare, and of course Scarecrow. I watched Amityville last night and if U haven't seen it, it's scary. It came out in 79, and John Brolin is excellent in it, I'm still figuring out if it was based on a true story or not. It is a film I would recommend to any1. I saw Friday 13th when I was 9 with my parents, I was a scout and would go camping every year. That year I saw it at the drive-in a week before 2 week Summer camp, let's just say camping was never the same after that.

The original Star Wars is awesome, Empire is the best of the 3, as for the prequels they are not as good, due to the acting/Too many CGI effects, but they are still worth it to rent. I have them all, and I still have the action figures from 1977. I still want to go to the conventions; but never get the time to go. The weather is great here got my wkout in it's 54 degrees and tomorrow it's going to be warmer. U all are suppose to get snow too, so are we, but if I were in Vegas I would bet 1000 dollars we get rain over snow. In Kentucky it can go either way snow/ice/rain, depending on Ur location.

I hope U had a great Friday, tomorrow is bskball afternoon Kentucky @ 4pm and Ohio State sometime. Ohio State plays @ Michigan, or what we BUCKEYES call, that team up north, LOL.

U take Care and have fun with the celebrations there, will talk soon!


Hi Kris
I have seen The Amityville Horror and have read the book too. I am fascinated by anything to do with Amityville and would love to visit there some time. Amityville II: The Possession was a terrific and scary film, even better then the original. I even enjoyed Amityville 3 too :)
The remake was crap, utter CRAP. And I turned the recent Amityville Haunting film off half way through becasue that was crap aswell. There's a new one coming out soon called "High Hopes-The Amityville Murders" which i cant wait to see. I believe in all the ghost stuff surrounding that case.
The weather is nicer here. No snow- yet, but I am sure we'll get some by the end of next month :(
Nice to hear you have got your work-out in and are ready to watch some sports on TV. I have done nothing this weekend. Just how i like it- lazing around :)

Take care and speak to you soon

Mike :)


Hey Mike,
I'm sorry it took me serveral days to get back at U; but Ur probably celebrating the Queen's Jubilee, and having an awesome time. I have been busy, and since I don't work on Friday's, I got some indoor Spring cleaning done. I have to admit I have been addicted to some of those FB games, especially Mafia Wars, I just wish I had more of a helpful Mafia, oh well. How R things going for U, did U have a great week? My week was busy, but not too bad, my weekend has started out cold; but tomorrow it's going to be in the 60's.

As usual I watched some UK bskball today while, lifting weigts and doing my AB rocket, go a good workout and The wildcats won, so it was a great day except for the 30 degree weather; and those winds from hell.

I wanted to tell U, I went to the video store and asked if they had The Final Day with Lane Smith, I was shocked they didn't have it. I was upset, so I guess I won't be renting that one. I wonder if UTUBE will show it from beginning to end if U payvia credit card? I can't believe I didn't see it when it came out on TV, were in the F##K was I? Of course it did come out in 1989, I was still in high school, and probably had a bskball/softball game depending what season it came out in.

Well I hope U weekend is going well for U, and BTW watched some of my movies, U might of heard of, Tightrope with Clint Eastwood, great movie BTW and tonight will be watching Batman Begins and The Dark Night Monday probably, cause the Oscar's are on tomorrow and Ohio State plays @ 4 pm Sunday.

Well I hope U had a Happy Mardi Gras this past week, and I will talk to U ASAP!
Your Friend,
-Kris- :)


Hi Kris
Yeah i have seen Tightrope, great film. I have it on DVD somewhere. Clint Eastwood has made some excellent films, even Firefox, Honkytonk Man and even Bridges of Madison County were first rate films. My favourite is City Heat, which he made with Burt Reynolds. If you havent seen it then i recommend it :)
That's a shame you can't rent The Final Days. I looked on youtube for it but i couldnt find it. But keep checking and you never know someone may load it. You could even make a request for it here on imdb and you never know !

My weekend was ok thanks, quite lazy. I am pleased that we are mid-way through this week now. Cant wait for the weekend to come back around so i can chill :)

I hope you are having a good week my friend and i'll speak to you soon



Hey Mike :),

I love Clint Eastwood, an excellent actor, I am so glad he made it big in Hollywood, after he did his so called Speghetti Westerns. I luved some of those too, he's great as a tough ass cowboy. My weekend was good too, beautiful weather, except for today. We had a lot of tornadoes in the state, we had a warning this afternoon, but everything finally cleared out for this county in 45 minutes. I watched the news and saw some unbelieveable pictures of a funnel cloud in Richmond and some had touchdowns. I just hope no one was hurt?

It's funny I saw Batman Begins and The Dark Knight of the weekend, Sunday was Oscar night though. I loved both films, but in TDK, I thought it was laughable how they made Christain Bale when he was Batman sound like Eastwood. Everytime he would say something while he was Batman, I wanted to laugh. I was thinking he was going to say, MAKE MY DAY. I know he diguised he's voice in Begin's but in TDK,I don't know if they wanted to make him sound tougher or what but it failed. I luved the movie, because of Ledger's performance as The Joker, but Bale was better in Begin's, what do U think?

On The Final Day's, I can't believe it, Hasting's usually has everything, but I was surprised they didn't have it. I will take Ur advice though, because I am wanting to see Smith's performance as Nixon. I know from the clip on UTube I was impressed.

Well tomorrow is March and Spring is just 21 days away, I can't wait :). We have had weather this week in the 60's; but by the weekend we will be getting temps. back into the 40's again :P. I went power walking yesterday afternoon and came back with alot of sun. I am fearing we might get some more snow; but I hope not.

I am waiting for the 20th, to roll around, The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo comes out and it looks like a good movie. I noticed that The Iron Lady, with M. Streep, looks awesome. I don't know when it comes out, but she got Best Actress 4 it. I knew it would come down to her and Violia Davis, from The Help; and if U haven't seen that one, rent it, it's harilious.

Well I hope Ur is a great one and remember two days until the weekend. Will try to get back at you tomorrow, before 9 pm. EST. time, because U.K. plays Georgia tomorrow, Ohio State tonight. I just hope both win, OSU isn't on TV and they play at Northwestern. Well I will talk to you later and I hope the weather their is starting to warm up like it is here :).

Your Friend,
-Kris- :)


Hi Kris

the weather here was very spring like yesterday and today wasnt too bad either. Hopefully things will get even better for the weekend. Sorry to hear about the tornadoes over there, i hope no one was hurt.
I have to admit I am not a big Batman fan. I have always been more of a Superman fan. And by Superman I mean Christopher Reeve and no-one else. Chris Reeve was the only true Superman. Period. I did enjoy the 1989 Batman film with Michael Keaton but i gave up after that. I saw Batman Begins but wasn't impressed. I am not a fan of Christian Bale either. I think he's a good actor, but he's a smug arrogant person and i cant bring myself to like him as an actor.
I had a feeling Meryl Streep would win the oscar. I havent seen The Iron Lady, but I'll probably get around to watching it when it comes out on DVD. Her performance was well received over here, but there aren't many fans of Margaret Thatcher in Britain these days. She caused a lot of problems for a lot of people over here so not many people were impressed that the film tried to show her in a sympathetic light

I hope you have a nice spring-like weekend, with plenty of sport and some quality films to watch too, and I'll speak to you soon. Take care in the time being :)



Hey Mike :),

I'm sorry it took awhile to get back to U, but Friday was a day from HELL. We got a lot of tornado warnings here and 2 funnel clouds were spotted in the Richmond area. I heard one looked like it was going to touchdown but didn't THANK GOD. We were stuck in our tornado safety spot from 4:30 pm. to 7:30pm., the sirens kept going off, 1 after another. When U thought it was safe to come out, thesiren would go off again. It was nerve racking to say the least, and we were lucky we only got hail damage to our house, the back siding 3 chucks will have to be repaired. The worst hit West Liberty, which is Eastern Kentucky, they say it's like a ghost town there. My mom grew up close there, in the next county; Magoffin Co.. They got wind damage and power was out, but luckily no tornado. The worst of the storm hit Indiana, Kentucky and Alabama. I watch CNN and some towns in Indiana are gone, it's crazy I never saw a tornado outbreak like the one we had. It makes U wonder what's in store for the rest of the year. In Ohio, since I grew up in the Dayton area, our Spring weather wasn't that severe. The location where I'm from in in a valley, hence The Miami Valley Area; and the citys that would get it with tornadoes were usually 20 miles north or in another county close to Dayton. We did have straight line winds or F-0 tornado, in early 2001, and that did damage, uprooting trees, blowing siding off, etc., but that was the worst storm I was in until the other day, it was CRAZY. There were deaths reported, I think there were 14 in Kentucky, and alot in Indiana, and it could go up. I just pray we don't have to go through that HELL again.

I like Superman too, the real Superman, the late Christopher Reeve, he was so awesome. I think U have the right impression about Bale, he does give off that feeling, like he's #1. I saw Batman with Keaton and luved it. So U 2 watched the Oscar's, I thought they were great host wise, I luv Billy Crystal. I thought what was the deal with The Artist, but I heard there wasn't much to choose from. I want to see The Iron Lady, it looks really good, plus The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo looks interesting also.

My weekend is starting out better that my Friday, it's cooler here and it's hampering the repairs to the house, but we will get it done. On Tuesday it will be back in the 50/60's for the week. I will also have to weed-wack the backyard it's so long in some places; and the rest of the yard isn't long engh for the mower. I started watching V/V-TFB again it's a yearly think, I never get sick of those movies. I would have rented one; but not too much to choose from yet.I hope U have a great weekend and I will talk to U Monday/Tuesday, will be a busy week though. I hope all is well with ya, and believe it or not Spring is just around the corner,YEAH :D.
Your Friend,


Hi Kris
Sorry to hear about the tornados, i hope you get everything back to normality soon I dont know how you folks deal with stuff like that. Over here in the UK we never have to deal with tornados or earthquakes or anything that extreme. All we get is the chill and the rain but we still complain! lol. Today has been very wet and cold, which surprised me because yesterday it was sunny and warm.
Today I have been watching Coulumbo. I love American detective shows- The Rockford Files, Hunter and of course my favourite - Columbo. I could go all day watching Columbo. It's so sad that Peter Falk has now gone. Like Chris Reeve he will be sorely missed.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a film my friend wants to see. She's seen the previous version and has read the book but I am not too sure what it's about so I'll have to read up on it before i can commit myself. lol
Well here we are, a sunday night again. How quick does the weekend go?!!!
I hope your week goes better that your weekend, and i hope you get no more tornados. I'll keep watching the news to keep informed, so you take care and I'll speak to you soon

Your friend


Hey Mike,

Our city got wind and hail damage, we got some damage to our siding, but it wasn't that bad. In Eastern kentucky it's a mess, The City of West liberty will probably have to rebuild everything. My mom is from Salyersville, KY, they got alot of wind damage and a Catholic Church that my Aunt and Uncle put alot of money into was destroyed, I think they will rebuild though. It's a known fact The United States has the most violent weather on the planet, infact San Francisco had a 4.0 earthquake today, no report of injuries that I know of, THANK GOD. It snowed here overnight 4 inches, but by 2 pm it was gone. It's suppose to be in the 60's tomorrow.

You like those classic detective shows too, I love The Rockford Files and Hunter Kicked ASS. I was little when The Rockford Files came out, but watched it every night with my folks. I was in Jr. High/ high school when Huter was on. They usually put those shows back on TV Land and I believe it's time to put them back on, I miss them. Your right all the great actors are getting old and not getting the parts or have passed :*(. I will probably rent The Girl w/ The Dragon Tattoo, but I would like to read it first. The movie comes out next Wednesday. I have the book on my wish list on Amazon, but have to get paid first, Next wk.

My wkend was great, I am on the last disc of V-TFB, a great movie still to this date, will finish it up tonight, then stat the series tomorrow night. I will have to get it done by Friday, because the confrenece tourneys begin. I'm glad Ohio State and Kentucky both have byes on Thursday- Yeah. I believe if Ohio State plays like they did agaisnt Michigan State yesterday they could win The Big-10. I missed the last 6 minutes but they pulled out the win at MSU 72-70 :).

My week has started out OK, still have a sore ankle from being in our saftey spot, but it will be ok, I have had so many ankle injuries I am used to it, LOL. I hope we have calmer weather too. It was crazy Friday, and Kentucky was the hardest state hit. Those people that lossed everything my heart goes out to them and when pay day comes I will probably donate to the rebuiling efforts. I hope Ur week goes well too, I will speak too U probably tomorrow night :).

Your Friend,


Hi Kris
I feel so bad to hear of all that damage and people lives over-turned over there. That is so bad. Nature can be a very powerful enemy at times. There has been little mention of your troubles over here. But your primaries and Super Tuesday have been getting a lot of coverage over here. Your elections are very exciting, ours on the other hand are very boring lol.
I loved V The Final Battle. I thought that was even better than the original mini-series. I loved Michael Ironside's character. He's another great actor. He always reminded me of Jack Nicholson, and I see hear on imdb that other people think the same too. I will have to have a V marathon soon. See how much I can squeeze into one day!! lol :)
My weekend was ok too thanks. I'm pleased it's Friday tomorrow and that this next weekend is not too far away. I am pleased that this week for me has flown by. And the weather over here hasnt been too bad. Very, very cold on Tuesday, not too bad now.
I went to see The Woman in Black the other night. Very creepy film. I jumped loads of times. It's well worth seeing if you get the chance. You will **** yourself!! I did! LOL

Speak you you soon my friend


Hey Mike,

Yeahit seemed like when the severe weather broke out everybody heard about it. It hasn't been that dominate lately except for here, and a mention or two in the national news. It's a mess still and will be in tose counties and states were the tornadoes hit. It's true Mother Nature is sometimes a BITCH. So U all have been getting a lot of the election coverage over there, so do Republicans look as dumb to U as they do to me? I am a Democrat and I am all for Obama in 2012, GOD help us if one of those fat cat Republicans get in, Our Country will go to hell again, LOL.

I luved both mini-series movies, and V-TFB was great. It is hard for me to decide which of the mini-series movies I liked the best, because they were both excellent. I'm watching the series now, it's not as good as the films, but it has it's good and very bad episodes U can say. I like Michael Ironsides, he plays a great bad ass. The first film I saw him in was Scanners, a great film by the way. The one thing I didn't know about him was before he was discovered as an actor he was a roofer. He does look like the blue-collar, I don't/won't sit on my ass guy, does he to U? I like him because he doesn't put on airs'.

I am glad tomorrow is Friday too, it's been a long week and all it's done today is rain. The weekend means outside work if able, need to get some of the backyard trimmed it's so long, plus it's conference tournament time :). It'scool here, but next week it will be in the 60's/70's. U saw that movie, The Woman in Black, it looks scary, I luv scary films. I remember when Hostel came out, I thought man this is going to be a terrorizing film. It was somewhat of a let down, it was creepy in a way, but they overexergratted a bit on it. What did u think of the film and did U c Hostel 2? I will have to put Woman in Black on my go C list, but here movies don't play long like they did back in the day. I guess because they want them out quick on DVD, more money. Well I hope U have a great Friday.

Ur Friend,


Hi Kris.
No your Republicans look ok. I think it looks like Romney is going to win the nomination. If i was an American I would have to be a Democrat too. I was a big fan of Bill Clinton, and I still am. He was a good President in my eyes and he did a lot of work for the Northern Ireland peace process over here in the UK when we were having troubles with the IRA.

Yes you are right about Michael Ironside looking like an outdoors workman type of guy. I saw Scanners years ago but didnt think that much of it. I like creepy scary films not all-out gruesome shockers like Scanners and Hostel. I saw Hostel when it came out on DVD and was put off with all the violence and torture. It wasn't scary just plain nasty. The Woman in Black is not like that, it's just creepy and eerie with some well timed shocks.

The one thing about the V series that i didnt like was that the visitors' voices sounded human, unlike in the first two miniseries. that was a major disappointment. I did like the fact that you saw the visitors without their human masks on during some episodes later on in the series, but apart from that the show was a disappointment.

It's mild over here today but windy. But when i was out earlier it was very pleasant indeed. I am going out tonight so I hope it stays mild then too. I hope the weather over there has settled down for you all and those who have expereinced damage can start putting the pieces back together again.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend Kris and I'll speak to you soon my friend



Hey Mike :),

This years Republicans, R like every Republican, R for the rich :(. I was brought up in a Middle Class family, but that class is starting to disappeaar, it's sad; but the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer >:(. I AM A HUGE CLINTON FAN, one of the best Presidents ever, well in my lifetime :). In fact I was all for Hilary Clinton when she ran; but she got screwed. i think she is smarter, and hell of a lot tougher, then Obama. She's been there with Bill; and she doesn't take *beep* for those arrogant Republicans. I know that Ur Politics in a way are similar, I think; with the House of Lords/ House of Commons? Does The House of Lords represent The Rich; and The House of Commons the majority of the people? Wasn't there a Whig party back in the day also? U have a Parliament, we Democracy, Prime Minister U, we President, tell me if I am on the right track with Ur Government. U are so right Bill Clinton, was a people person, it seemed like all Countries liked him, even those who hate our political system.

I hear U on some of those torture films, I saw this movie on SCI-FI the other day, called The Midnight Meat Train; and it was just gross. I am not a fan of The Saw films at all. I don't know why I liked the Hostel films, yes they were gross; but I wonder if it made people think? Be careful when traveling abroad, I mean look at Mexico? People go there and sometimes they are never seen again, it's very violent there?

I finished my V Marathon, last night, by watching The TV series. It 's not as good as the films, but it was a series that had a lot of potential until they killed off Nathan Bates. I did watch all episodes, and I watched The Rescue, were Diana gets married, only for the laugh. It's so dumb it's funny. When Lydia comes in to find out she failed in her assasination of Diana and sees Charles there big bug eyed in his chair. I know I'm twisted but the make-up of him makes that episode more comical, what do U think?

Well I'm having a good wkend, but my Buckis and Wildcats came oup short in The Championship Tourneys, but both teams had 1 hell of a bskball season. The next step is the NCAA tourey and I hope both teams go far, eaither one winning it all would ROCK :). The next thing I gotta do is fill out my brackets on ESPN.Com as soon as all the teams are picked to get in. On ESPN, it's Bracketlogy, then that will weed out whos in and who's out. Well I hope Ur wkend went will and I will talk to U tomorrow or Tuesday. I hope Ur Monday is a good and warm one, it's been warm here; wearing shorts today :).

Take Care, Ur Friend,


Hi Kris
Sorry for the delay in replying. I hope you are having a good week so far, we are now half waty through not far til the weekend now :)
Yes our political system is not much different from yours We have a three main political parties- Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrats. At the moment the Cons and the Lib Dems are in a coalition government but it's a mess. Our Prime Minister David Cameron is a slime bucket. Awful man. I dont like him at all, and I cringe when i see his smug face on the TV. The House of Commons is where the MPs ( Members of Parliment ), Government Ministers and dickhead Cameron are making the decisions that ruin our country. The House of Lords is a stop-off for all the crinkly old politicians has-beens before they die. They do very little but sit there like zombies.
You are so right about gross horror films like Saw and Hostel. No scares or suspense just gross violence and blood. The same goes for the recent Halloween remakes. They were total travesties compared to the original Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981). I havent bothered watching the remakes of Friday the 13th or Elm Street. Remakes suck. Not scary in the slightest just plain nasty.
Well enjoy the rest of your week and I'll speak to you soon Kris

Your friend


Hey Mike :),

Hey no need to apologize, ya cool :). I am having a great week, the NCAA Tournament started Tuesday in Dayton and Thursday got to see Kentucky and Ohio State play. Kentucky is in Louisville, and Ohio State is in Pennsylvania. There is no games on tonight that I'm interested in so I am going to be on the computer awhile, then watch The Ninth Gate L8TER. Yes I noticed Ur Prime Minister with Obama in Dayton the other day, I had no idea who it was, I remember Tony Blair, he seemed cool and wasn't there a Gordon forget the whole name, before this David Cameron? So some of Ur Politicans are like ours, *beep* and for themselves, the rich, and *beep* the people that matter the most, The 99%. I see Ur views on those so called idiots that run/ruin the Country, it's typical here too. I believe Obama is trying to change the Country for the better, but The Republicans are blocking everything he is trying to accomplish. LOL, on the remark about the politicans sitting there like zombies, it's the same here, and they might be blowing each other too. They only work little over 100 days a year, and have done nothing to better this Country.

I hear U on the remakes, I wouldn't even sit though a Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm St., if someone gave them to me free. Yes when it come to horror remakes they are terrible. Todays horror film are a waste of time and money, and low and behold teenagers will spend money to see them, I guess for the T & A , that are usually in them. Bring back the oldscool horror movies, now that will put fear in the bones. It has been a great week to get outdoor stuff done, infact I cut the grass for the 1st time this season, and man was it long; but it looks nice now. I also got my wkouts in most of the week, and got some of that southern sun too. I think the winter is gone for the year; but U don't know. I know April will bring showers; but hopefully not snow showers :). Well I hope U had a great week and I hope the weather over there will help make Ur weekend awesome :D. I will talk to U soon, and have an awesome weekend :)!

Your Friend,


Hi Kris the weather here hasnt been too bad this weekeend. Today has been sunny but cool. But we have had a pretty mild winter over here really compared to what some people have had. The little snow we had was gone within days.

Yep I saw Cameron on the news with Obama. I was wondering if you had seen that too lol. Tony Blair was a good Prime Minister, very popular when he first came into power, it appeared that he could litearlly do no wrong. Until the war in Iraq happened and then everyone turned against him. Gordon Brown stepped in after him but he was a disaster on the same scale as the Titanic! We have another 3 years to go over here before there's another election, and the prospect of having Cameron for another 3 years is totally depressing :(

I saw Paranormal Activity 3 last night. Have you seen that? Quite creepy, and I did jump a few times but i cant stand these mockumentary Blair Witch-style films. It was ok tho, worth a look at on say Halloween! :)

I hope you have had a good weekend Kris, I sent you a private message with my email address a couple of days ago. But I'll be back on here on monday or tuesday too. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday watching sports and chillin' out before another week starts again :)

Take care, speak to you soon


Hey Mike,
I just saw Ur email, i have been watching bskball this wkend and enjoying the outdoors since it has been in the 80's here. I will email U tomorrow first thing. I am sorry I am making it quick, but I have had a busy Sunday; plus I wkout alot and I'm just going to relax with a movie the rest of the night. It's currently 9 pm here and I have been on my computer to check emails and my brackets with bskball. i will email U or get back to U here tomorrow.

Take Care and I hope Ur Maonday is a great 1,



Hey Mike :),

THX for Ur email address, I just got it written down today. I see UR having a mild winter also, we had 6 inches of snow period, the last snow we had was 4 inches and it was gone the next day. It has been in the 80's again today, very warm spring this time of yr. everything here has bloomed out early, really weird.

I didn't see Cameron with Obama on the news, but I did see them both at those games. It looked like Obama had to explain every little detail about the game to him. I heard from the paper that he is not familiar with bskball, he likes Cricket and Tennis. I am a tennis person, but Cricket, I have heard of it; but I don't know how to play it.

I remember Tony Blair, seemed like he knew what he was doing, that Iraq war has costed everybody, especially those in the military. That was one of Bush's brilliant ideas, what the hell was he thinking? I forgot the man is an idiot he can't think, he has screwed up this Country; and it will take awhile to get out of this mess. I just hope some of America doesn't buy into those Republican lies or we will really be in trouble. I am voting for Obama; and hopefully a majority of America will do the same, look what happened when Bush was in office. It seemed like when he got in America started going to hell; and the little people are the 1's who are suffering from it.

I haven't seen that movie is it on DVD? I do watch Ghost Hunters sometimes and find that show creepy; but I am skeptical on it. What about U, I think anything on the paranormal is interesting and creepy; but how real is it?

I had a great wkend, bskball mania here. There are 4 teams from Ohio that are in the Sweet Sixteen, that is awesome. I just hope Ohio State and Kentucky get to the Final 4, that would be totally sweet :D. So this year The Sweet Sixteen is NUTTY, get it; because Ohio is known as The Buckeye State. Did U have a great weekend? Yeah, did U just want me to email U or do U want to keep talking here? Have a great week!

Your Friend,
-Kris- :D
