Kenneth Johnson did not like the way "The Final Battle" was written (full of soap opera and gaping plot holes and conveniences for the action scenes...)
Granted, early on with the 84-5 TV season there are some solid stories, but "V" is Kenneth's creation and deserves a say at how he wants it done too. Networks love to change things to what they think might improve ratings. Though the crowd-pleasing pablum of the first episode infiltration (but could they truly copy alien pass technology when NOT being aided by the 5th column), and later with the star child saving the day, we wouldn't have had the actual tv show take the Elizabeth issue to anything approaching a higher level...
I too would like to see The Second Generation made, but ABC would rather make it - complete with even bigger contrivances, loose writing, plot holes, and ill-contrived romances. (Diana had minions do it as medical experiments, ABC's pilot, amongst a book's worth of idiotic setup scenes, have the aliens drooling over humans. Unless a later episode treats the audience as having some intellect and says the V's are supposed to lead humans on, but given how the pilot alone doles out all the reasons (and adds a few which make absolutely no coherent sense - e.g. if the V's were here all these decades, they weren't smart enough to shut off their own terrorist cell transmissions when the big unveiling of the motherships took place. Sorry, for that alone I'm not buying it, but there are dozens of other asinine mistakes. Even TFB and 1985 show weren't as sloppy.)