MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > the visitors must have loved their human...

the visitors must have loved their human skins..

because they were ALWAYS wearing them!! Diana and Charles were married with their human skin on..Lydia and Diana had them on during their combat..Diana had her human skin on during her ritual bath..they put make up and glitter on them..teased their fake human hair..soldiers on the ship wore human skin UNDER their uniforms..ect..
Everyone knew what the visitors looked like so they didn't need to hide themselves anymore..esp in the privacy of their own ship!!
Yes, I know..the actors had to be seen..but if it were real they would be proud of their lizard forms!


i think it has more to do with budget constraints than anything else but i know what u mean.


Not to mention the fact that the visitors can recognize each other with their human skin.



With this false human skin they feel sensuality like human.

I always think that part of the show were strange.




... and when wearing those lizard outfit, would we look at each others and think we are pretty sexy?

Remember -Planet of the Apes- (1968)?
George Taylor: Doctor, I'd like to kiss you goodbye.
Dr. Zira: All right, but you're so damned ugly.


My question is: Was Diana attracted to Brian (in the OS) based upon the human skin or his alien hotness???


I got the idea that their human skins were based on what they would have looked like if they were human. So, if they were hot as a human I guess they were hot as a lizard too -- at least to each other.


Haha pretty funny thread here - what always made me laugh about the human skins was the plot about Robin having sex with a visitor in the original miniseries and not knowing he wasn't human. They must have human skins for their penises... but wouldn't that have been something to the effect of a condom? hmmm makes ya think doesn't it? haha....


lol yes, I always wondered about that scenario too. However, Brian was not actually interested in Robin (probably because he was a reptile and she human!), but Diana wanted him for her "special experiment" to impregnate Robin. Thus I always figured the Visitor special effects department prepared his genitalia to somehow look human & also be "effective" hehe.


Yeah no sht. I came here to post the exact same thing. I keep telling myself they wore the skin to protect them from solar radiation or some sht like that. Sounds stupid but it makes it more believable that way.



They also loved the English language for some reason. When they were alone, no humans present, they spoke to one another in English (even though it was shown early in the miniseries that all Earth languages had to be learned).

Well, actually, they're speaking their own language. We just hear it as English or Spanish or whatever language it's being dubbed into in any given country.



No, because when Donovan sneaks aboard the mother ship he understands them.



In the episode "The Conversion" there is a scene in a gym on a ship with two Visitors in lizard form just hanging out and talking vacation spots. So...that's something.


The fact that they wore their human skin even in the privacy of their own ships and that they spoke English to each other did strike me as unrealistic, especially the later. Maybe their human skin did protect them in some way on the Earth from the sun's radiation or in some other way. Or maybe it was too time consuming and/or costly to be constantly taking off and putting on their human skin. Or maybe the Visitors actually preferred their human skins, as they really did think that we humans are more attractive than they are in their natural form. But the constant English speaking is a lot harder to explain away!


Solar radiation! Excellent explanation, vorakam24.


It had to do with that in reality the lizard skin were masks so it might've been a little hard to have them always wearing them because it would take too much time and effort to put them on.



I sat through their catfight episode and there were even unskinned Visitors gawking on.

It was just DAFT for the producers to leave the skins on and put glitter on them...

Still, it's the mid-80s... people would rather see big friz hair than green scales...


What was even more weird was that when we see the lizard heads, they're always bigger than the human head it's supposed to fit inside.


The constant human looking visitors is more because of saving production costs.
The V tv-series was after all not a big budget production, such as the Star Wars movies, who had the budget to create very good looking aliens.
When ever you got to see their lizzard faces on V, it did not even look that particularly good and when they presented the lizzard/human hybrid baby, it got even worse.


Just rewatched the marriage episode.


Why Lydia would say Diana would look good in scales... uh, she HAS scales.

And since when do reptiles need to be shaved?

No wonder the cast, of both the miniseries and the newly hired entries (e.g. Nathan Bates), kept jumping ship. :(

And yet the last couple of episodes showed promise... pity the 20th ep wasn't made. Then again, if Julie was to be killed off...
