MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > 15 guys is 'a big army'?

15 guys is 'a big army'?

Heh, this really dumb show is so full of these moronic inconsistencies between what is said and what is shown that it's like watching a comedy show.

First, around 10-15 guys are shown running on two TV screens.

The SUPREME LEADER says: "You've amassed quite an army"

Uh.. 15 guys is 'quite an army'? This from the leader of THE WHOLE INVASION OPERATION, who surely has had vast armies at his command (or otherwise, wouldn't be in that position, right?), and who commanded numerous enormous spaceships to hover over Earth's cities.

This guy's opinion of "quite an army" is some 15 guys running across a TV monitor!


Oh man, during the same interaction, we are shown 'the ultimate weapon' of some sorts, but of course, to keep the secrecy, it's name is not mentioned, nor how it is supposed to work.

Diana opens this panel that reveals two plastic keys and some kind of gauge/meter/dial/whatever. The camera shows us also the two keyholes.

Right next to each other.

One human/lizard/child could easily put both of those plastic keys simultaneously into the keyholes, and turn the keys. Without any problems.

What's the point of having two keys, if one individual can easily utilize both of them?

Isn't the whole POINT of having two keys that they are so far apart that one individual couldn't physically turn both of them simultaneously, so ONE could launch or detonate the 'ultimate weapon' by themselves, but they would always need at least two people/beings for the task, thereby reducing the possibility that someone goes nuts and launches a nuke, or does it accidentally?

RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. *headslap* *rolleyes* *groan* *facepalm*

Obviously the makers of this propaganda crap didn't watch "War Games"..
