How Robin was treated was just stupid.
She would know that Visitors are cold to the touch, so when touching the new Visitor she should have known.
And with Visitor occupation, what would lead to a normal life? She'd always be hunted after because of how magical her babies would be.
Also, everyone thinking only Robin can pop out magic wands from any Visitor that puts the bun in the oven is obtuse. Why not any human with any visitor? What was special about Brian? None of this is considered. The writing was sloppy. And on the wall, in terms of the direction the show was heading.
Elizabeth too was poorly handled, having any convenient power thrown her way when any old script needed it. That was bad enough in TFB but the 84-5 show only makes it worse. And what happened to her tongue? (okay, metamorphosis, but in reality an actor with a tongue implant that big wouldn't be able to say much, at least on scenes when it would have to be stuck out to spit venom, just like how Diana forgot to when Donovan pinned her to the ground and forgetting the Visitors can still spit while pinned... )