MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > Holy Crap, Holy Crap, Holy Crap

Holy Crap, Holy Crap, Holy Crap

I just got Netflix last week and wow, is V the series from 1984 terrible. The first Mini Series is nearly perfect(for made for TV) the second, very good. This TV weekly series is almost the worst TV I have ever watched. Its essentially the Dukes of Hazard meets an even lower budget and an alien Boss Hog. Characters rarely if ever make rational decisions. The V's HQ is constantly infiltrated by a group of untrained "resistance" to gain a person or an advantage, and the humans will routinely choose to "punch out" the V instead of killing them all the while exclaiming how vile the Visitors are and how terrible they have made humans existence.

In all seriousness, the series is so terrible, its a joke. I have seen the new series and I am not impressed, but it is heads and tails better than this one (yet still far worse than the original V mini-series).


Spot on.


i don't think many fans of the "old" v would argue with that. the mini series was good in parts but gradually got worse. there seemed little continuity & the main characters we grew to love at the start were either written out (such as ham), killed off (elias), or lessened in importance (julie).


Other than looking in Jennifer Cooke's face (Elizabeth) and seeing Jane Badler ooze her sexiness, it is a terrible series.

I don't know why they decided to make it so UNLIKE the Miniseries, which I agree, was close to perfect.

"You suck."
- Sue Sylvester



im watching the new one now (its new to me lol) the one with elizabeth as a adult, and got to say so far im bored lol, its not to bad, but i just keep thinkin that i prefered the last ones, they were so on the edge of your seat and this for me just isnt, have only gotten one or two episodes in tho so will carry on with it; maybe itl get better.
anyone seen the new remake? thinking of getting it coz i dont have sky i cant watch it. any views on the new one?


Yes, the first mini-series was excellent. V - The Final Battle wasn't as good
(of course not, Kenneth Johnson wasn't doing it) but passable '80's sci-fi.

The weekly series was a huge disappointment - at first. Took forever for the
show to start to hit its stride and some of the middle episodes were pretty
good ('The Conversion', 'The Hero', 'Reflection in Terror') and finally the
show started to show some promise.....

And then NBC started tinkering with the show and cutting costs by trimming
the number of people in the cast. The writing got much worse.

Like my friend and I used to say when he show was on the air "V - the show
you keep on watching in spite of itself", which pretty much summed it up. We
kept hoping that the promise of the mini-series would eventually be realized.

However, it never was.


You summed it It spite of itself, I couldn't stop watching. It did take a while to get going but once it did, it was fairly good up to (SPOILER) where Charles died and then it got worse was almost a chore when they got the new (and improved) credit sequence...


I loved all three installments of the originl V. I was disappointed when they got rid of so many of the characters as the series went along and I do think that hurt it. It was almost like Marc Singer and Faye Grant were the only two that wanted to do a series. I disagree with a comment above. I think tv in the past was much more entertaining and well done than it is today. I won't even watch a new show anymore. It totally bores me. The best tv shows ended as the 80's ended.


The pilot of the 2009 remake had a number of logic and motivational gaffes as well, but the 1984 TV series (not miniseries) was VERY bad when it came out. Especially as they even stopped doing the cool reverb effect on the visitors...

The premise had some potential, but the 1984 series lost its way... I rewatched the pilot and found it "okay", and put it above the 2009 remake, but not by much...

I prefer thinking the 1983 original had no sequels. ("The Final Battle" had a near-solid first episode (barring some conveniences and gaffes), getting worse with each part...)




It's hard to compare modern sci-fi with late 70s/early 80s sci-fi shows. There are so many differences in style, FX and methods of production. One thing of note that is especially obvious with this series (not talking about the mini-series here, just V The Series) and it's re-imagining is that back then plots moved much quicker and had less lengthy story arcs (You get a similar thing comparing comic books too). Almost nothing really happens through two seasons of the re-imagined show while here everything is thrown at you and over about as fast as you can blink.

Modern shows are all about hints and teasing and flashbacks, while in the 80s it was about style, fist fights and doing their best to reset everything back to how it started by the end of the episode. You could say that made the 80s shows more disposable, but at the time I would say they thought it made it more accessible. Both are probably correct. After all you can pick up almost any episode of an 80s show and have fun without needing to see the entire series. Overall I'd say this series fared better than the re-imagining for it as the design left it more complete after it was axed, while the axe really did ruin what potential the new show had.

V The Series had a very noticeable dip in quality compared to the mini-series. It's impossible not to notice this when you watch your way through. But for me the most obvious thing was the clear plummeting of the budget (at least on a per hour basis), which (along with the hairstyles) immediately makes the series seem incredibly dated. After adapting to that and the obvious format changing and lightening of the tone (Replacing the Nazi angle with what can only be described as a Soap Opera one) I found it was a fun series and still had it's moments. The random change in direction about 2/3rds of the way through doesn't help it. Ham Tyler randomly leaving (Probably because they couldn't afford to pay Michael Ironside any more) certainly didn't help. There was obviously some kind of internal shake up and I think it must have been clear to those involved the end was nigh.

Still, I wonder (just as I do with several 70s/80s sci-fi's) if it would have improved were it given a second season and more financial support. So many shows of (and close to) the 90s took at least two seasons to really get into their stride.

Of course now sc-if shows seem to get axed faster than ever, while still being written for the slow burn. Perhaps it will turn out these shows will be viewed as being the disposable ones in the future.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.


The show had good characters but was horribly written in some parts and had some terrible dialogue. the biggest problem was budget contraints and the idea of thinning the cast was terrible. But as bad as the follow up was to the excellent V movie and the Final battle it did have some good episodes


I'm presently trying to watch V from Netflix (2009) and it is excruciatingly painful. Actually, most of the crap on Netflix is, but this one sets new standards in mediocrity. I had good memories of the old V series. I guess it was just an overall feeling, just like when I think of Albator or Goldorak...


Are you talking the 80s one or the 2000s one?


I don't think that Netflix has the 80's show, unless I'm wrong.
I was talking about the recent show. Hated it. Cheap and easy TV.


Rehashes are never great. The new show had moments of interest, but making a show purely because it had been made before usually sucks. They should have went with the original idea 'V:The Second Generation', a continuation of the original which is available in book form, I believe


"Especially as they even stopped doing the cool reverb effect on the visitors..."

It's not a reverb effect.

It's a pitch-shift-effect, perhaps formanted. There does seem to be some kind of metallic vocoder-type element present sometimes, but perhaps pitch-shift would go a long way to recreate the sound. I mean, lowering the pitch and then playing the lowered voice together with the original voice, but with lower volume, so that it's easy to hear what's being said.



The 1983 original is best.

The '84 miniseries becomes more shallow and soap opera but wasn't terribly bad, and provided a sense of closure.

The '84-85 season is an uncoordinated mess that deserved better, especially as characters started to leave... if Martin wasn't killed off, the show would have stood a chance.

The 2009 reboot is atrocious for an entirely different set of reasons...

But the humans had a sense of morality - doing what the Visitors did made them no worse. But given how hard it was to punch them in the original miniseries, it's not about clever and careful writing. It's simply bad writing.


I am a huge fan of V from the 80's, both V and V-TFB are spectacular. Then V-The series came along in 84. I was just a kid in JR. High at the time, but still thought it was OK. I have V, V-TFB, and the series on DVD. I think what led to the series' demise, was there were too many writers. I have to say it started off great, but after Nathan Bates was killed off it just didn't make sense. I think a majority of fans would agree with me also. I am currently watching it now, but when Bates last episode occurs the mess begins. I do believe the original V is much better than the new series was. I would rather watch V the series than the reality crap they have on TV now.

Kris L. CocKayne


I disagree, I think both mini series are good. Fun to watch even now.


Looking back now, it was cheesy and we're talking processed cheese too! But at the time, I loved it so much that I would record it as I watched it and then watch it again immediately after it was over.

 I'm very good at nookying and crannying. 


Sadly this is correct. I too, was a young teenager at the time and adored V when it came out. I actually loved the Final Battle.

But jeez- the series was so brutal. Even as a kid, I knew it was not good. Every week I would watch hoping it would get better but it did not. I was too young to understand about show runners, etc...

