Did they make this bad on purpose?
Just watching this show again for the 1st time in many years and didnt realize just how bad it was.
The original mini-series was great and even the 1st two episode were good of the TV series but then bar a couple of episodes it is very very bad. It is amazing that NBC even allowed this to be shown its that bad.
The last few episodes are really bad after Ham Tyler leaves. They keep using footage from previous episodes and its quite clear they had run out of money by the last few episodes. The crazy storyline of Frank Ashmore coming back as Phillip the twin brother of Martin is just too stupid for words. He was supposed to be a lizard and comes back with the same human mask as his brother. The last few episodes just seem to be having Lydia and Diana bitching Dynasty style.
Its a real insult to the acting talent of Marc Singer and Faye Grant that they had to put up with the appalling scripts. Its amazing they didnt walk out when Michael Ironside did.
Its a real shame something that started out so well could end this badly. I just hope Kenneth Johnson has the chance to remake 'V' and erase the memories of this dreadful TV series which insulted his vision of 'V'.