MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > Did they make this bad on purpose?

Did they make this bad on purpose?

Just watching this show again for the 1st time in many years and didnt realize just how bad it was.
The original mini-series was great and even the 1st two episode were good of the TV series but then bar a couple of episodes it is very very bad. It is amazing that NBC even allowed this to be shown its that bad.

The last few episodes are really bad after Ham Tyler leaves. They keep using footage from previous episodes and its quite clear they had run out of money by the last few episodes. The crazy storyline of Frank Ashmore coming back as Phillip the twin brother of Martin is just too stupid for words. He was supposed to be a lizard and comes back with the same human mask as his brother. The last few episodes just seem to be having Lydia and Diana bitching Dynasty style.
Its a real insult to the acting talent of Marc Singer and Faye Grant that they had to put up with the appalling scripts. Its amazing they didnt walk out when Michael Ironside did.

Its a real shame something that started out so well could end this badly. I just hope Kenneth Johnson has the chance to remake 'V' and erase the memories of this dreadful TV series which insulted his vision of 'V'.


i don't think too many will disagree with you. the constant re-use of footage, the poor storylines, & the killing off/absence of regulars was a disappointment. so too was the lack of a proper ending.


And what was up with Lydia eating what was clearly a gummi worm!!!

And Diana shooting those Dynastyesque looks every time she was "foiled again!!!"

And that big hair?!


virgin035 said:

And Diana shooting those Dynastyesque looks every time she was "foiled again!!!"

And that big hair?!

yes that is true, but Diana was so hot and sexy she could get away with anything


On the audio commentary for the first mini-series, Kenneth Johnson felt it would've been best to make a series of 2hr TV movies and air them every 3-4 months or so. He felt the writing and production values would be stronger that way as than they would if they went to a weekly series. NBC said "no" and went forward with the weekly series, which was ultimately cancelled.

Johnson, used the same technique for "Alien-Nation" after it was cancelled & several 2 hour movies were made.


yes that is true, but Diana was so hot and sexy she could get away with anything

Hell yeah she was! I was just a kid, but Diana on this show was probably the TV character that set in motion my love for the sexy villain women in movies.


The episode where Charles (played by a British actor) and Diana marry jumps the shark.

This was around the time when UK Prince Charles married Diana as well, so the in-joke is not particularly charming...

Nice to see Diana figure it out and spin the poison scene to her advantage, but the whole marriage thing redefines "camp" and not in a good way. It plays out like a cheesy soap opera. Nice to see that some of the aliens are not wearing human skin, but one would think they'd all be in their normal lizard looks. Instead the marriage scenes come off as a rejected Buck Rogers skit...

It is a shame; the first few episodes outdo "The Final Battle" in terms of quality (easily done but that's beside the point). From episode 10 onward, they're in trouble.

Blair Tefkin didn't have much to do in the show (except be lured for another lizard to make more starchildren with highly contrived explanation, apparently) so it's easy to see why she quit.

prof Maxwell and Elias did get good leaving scenes.

The show has that unity thing and sticking together, so even the episodes leading to the marriage nonsense have some redeemable dialogue once in a while, though I agree many stories were overall lacking - particularly the final 9 or 10...

But Charles' death was shock jock inanity.



Blair Tefkin didn't have much to do in the show (except be lured for another lizard to make more starchildren with highly contrived explanation, apparently) so it's easy to see why she quit.

Yeah. I hate that the show didn't give Blair Tefkin much to do. Robin Maxwell was one of my favorites from the show and the mini-series.

I also missed Elias, Martin, and Robert Maxwell.



The banning of episode 3 killed this show in more ways that one.

I haven't heard of this. Please explain.

I didn't say Spoiler. The episode already aired! Why are you here if you haven't seen it?



So that's why episode 4 doesn't make sense with regards to Kyle not knowing them. I had no idea that episode 3 was banned.

Working in the movie business since -92


The last few episodes are really bad after Ham Tyler leaves.

And after Robin leaves. Ham was okay, but Robin was my favorite, and I missed her.



I don't think the series as a whole was ever good. They went into Saturday morning cartoon territory. I didn't care about new characters like Nathan Bates and Kyle. Lydia was good, but she was essentially there as a bitching buddy for Diana to play off. She had more potential than that. They should have explored the lizard race a bit more, instead of having a new evil Diana plan in every episode.

I can't stress enough how much Diana's big hair do bugged me.


I enjoyed the mini-series, I liked the cast, I thought the ending was silly but no more so than Independence Day and the effects weren't terrible. Then I saw this series on dvd at Walmart for around ten bucks and thought it would at least be worth that much. It wasn't. It all seemed so rush. The characters didn't connect. The stories became sillier each episode. I would maybe have done another mini-series but it seemed like the Final Battle was enough from a story perspective.


Networks couldn't leave it alone, they saw dollar signs after the success of the mini-series and should never have made a TV series, Final Battle had a decent ending and the series just undid everything. It's called Final Battle for a reason, it was the end. The series viewed now can be fun in a cheesy "so bad it's good" way but in all honesty it's car crash TV.

The writing is abysmal, Singer and Grant are sidelined for characters we don't know or care about, Kyle and Elizabeth's romance soaks up the screen time and there's way too much Diana and Lydia. They look positively absurd with their huge 80s hair, glaring at each other like they're in Dynasty. Diana worked in the two mini-series because she was used sparingly, yes she's beautiful and easy on the eye but she's overused in the series and it reveals how bad an actress Badler is. June Chadwick isn't much better. As for Charles, he's the worst villain I've seen in a TV show, and looks like something out of a 70s Bee Gees video. It never recovered after Ironside left.
