MovieChat Forums > Transformers (1984) Discussion > Constructicon's origin confusion

Constructicon's origin confusion

Megatron in (Heavy Metal Wars ) clearly states that the Constructicon's were built on Earth but in the the( Secret of Omega Supreme) They are clearly living on Cybertron.Also why did they have Earth modes instead of Cybertronian modes?


It's an example of how continuity was often disregarded during the series' second season. To make things more confusing, a flashback in "Five Faces of Darkness" from Season 3 showed Megatron being built by eight Constructicons!


Easily explained away

1) Rebuilt them on Earth ie contrusted new bodies for them. The combaticons got new bodies just by sticking a pink cube in a rusting hulk of a WW2 vehicle
2) Just because they built Megatron doesn't mean they were evil at the time and maybe the 8 guys got an order from higher up to build a new gladiator robot re Megatron.
3) X number of millions of years a 25% causlty rate amongst your squad is not unreasonable.

The earth modes on cybertron however are a bit of a blunder.


Thanks for both of you answering my question.The Constructicons are my favourite coembiners.
