Megatron vs Galvatron

When Megatron was reformated into Galvatron by Unicron was he made more powerful or was he still at the same strength and power level after his change to Galvatron? Also am I the only fan who thinks he was a better leader as Megatron than the crazy Galvatron who shoots his own soldiers.


Well Galvattron was meant to be stronger but he was certainly a less capable leader. heck if it wasn't for fanatics like Cyclonus ensuring his leadership, Galvatron would be dead.

In Web World it was made pretty clear that a sizeable cross section of the decepticons were close to eliminating Galvatron and Cyclonus if he didn't do something quick smart about it.


the stunticons didnt like Galvatron and wanted to over throw him till Cyclonus stepped in.
They calmed down but are seen gripping about his leadership in Starscreams Ghost.

Galvatron had a few people leave the cause. Megatron may have had some flawed plans (and was pretty rutheless at times) but under him they decpeticons were a constant threat. Glavatron rarely got a plan off the ground. Usually he had some sort of break down or distrust in his soilders. If the Galvatron we saw in the movie remained the Autobots would have been in serious trouble. BUt the lavia bath made him a lot quciker and didnt have full mental capacity.

He also had a strange obession with Ultra MAgnus that would lead him to have huge meltdowns of rage.
The problem is that there were very few leaders on the decipticon team unlike the autobots who still had MAgnus, Kup, Jazz and even Blaster who matured after the great war. Aside from Cyclounus there was almost no additional leadership. Soundwave had his casettes but was too loyal to Galvatron. Galvatron or Megatron rarely seemed upset with Soundwave. Maybe Astrotrian? but he had a taste of it in triple take over and it was a disaster. So really many of the decipitions would agree with you that Galvatron was a lousy leader they just didnt have anyone to step up to the plate even if they over threw him. It would likely just be bickering like we saw in the movie or a bunch of sad sacks like in the five faces of darkness.

OCtane's goal seemed unclear weather he wanted to take over the decipitcons and make peace with the autobots or simply over throw Galvatron and lead the team his way. Considering it was originally blitzwig int he original script for the two parter I would assume he long term goal was to end the war. Which is why Sandstorm (the pacifict) and Rodimus were offering him protection.


Swindle, Motormaster and Laserbeak confronted Cyclonus and make it clear what they think of Galvatron. Cyclonus' stepping in was pretty much shot down with the reply of 'Do something about Galvatron or we'll do something about both of you'. If they got the Stunticons, Combaticons and the tapebots off side Galvatron and Cyclonus would be in a world of hurt.

Movie Galvatron was certainly the best choice but alas they went with insane Galvatron. Just like we went from brash let's do this Rodimus to whiny I have no self esteem Rodimus.

Cyclonus probably is and was the only real effective choice to be leader in terms of his competency but he would never try to overthrow Galvatron. Anyone who could work in a team and showed leadership skills within that team like Scrapper, Onsluaght and Shrapnel might be possible choices but I don't think they were really respected outside their own subgroups.
