Optimus Prime with an immortal spark?
It was revealed that Starscream has an immortal life spark and thus came back even after Galvatron blasted him into smoking dust. I've been thinking, perhaps Optimus Prime has an immortal spark the way he keeps dying and coming back. Aside from his death scene in the movie and then coming back later in the series, he has died and come back, from what I know, multiple other times if not in the cartoon than in the comics although the comics do follow a different universe with a different backstory but aside from that, perhaps it should be revealed that like Starscream, that Optimus Prime also has an immortal spark. The way they brought him back in the series, they recovered his body from the debris resulting from the explosion when he flew the ship into the Quentesson bomb, seemingly unscratched even though he had been in a really damaged condition before he was seemingly blown up including having his left arm had been sheared off, they shouldn'tve done that. It was a very poor plot to have his body to not only not be destroyed by the explosion but to be with barely a scratch. Instead of doing that, they should've had Optimus Prime's body completely destroyed in the explosion but to then have it revealed that like Starscream, that Optimus Prime has an immortal spark and so his spark survives and he somehow gets a new body, perhaps from Unicron or by some other method.