The Dictator
I was just watching Thief in the Night, one of the season 3 episodes that features Carbomya and was noticing how similar it is to Sacha Baron Cohen's movie The Dictator. Wadiya and Carbombya are on the north-eastern tip of Africa, both have large oil reserves, Abdul Fakkadi and Hafez Aladeen have almost the exact same design aside from the color of their jacket and Aladeen's beard is thicker. di.jpg -celebrities-what-watches-they-wearing-lets-keep-going-dictator-sasha- baron-cohen-merrick.jpg
So yeah, for me, The Dictator is now in continuity with the live action Transformers movies. If Spike can be renamed Sam to sound less silly, the Carbombya can be renamed Wadiya.
"Fine. You want to eat? Let's see if you can eat... PIZZA!!!"