MovieChat Forums > Transformers (1984) Discussion > Was the Continuity bad like the GI Joe s...

Was the Continuity bad like the GI Joe series?

From what I remember, the continuity was somewhat better than their conterpart GI JOE series. From what I remember, after Transformers: The Movie, the new characters took over after the events of Unicron, however they still had some of the traditional characters in the background, like soundwave, and expanded the storyline. I vaguely remember that the series sort of ended with Optimus Prime coming back from the dead and establishing a golden age on Cybertron. It has been awhile since I have seen the series and something like continuity was something I just glossed over when I was younger.


They mostly started taking continuity seriously in Season 3, after the movie. Not that it was ever perfect, but Season 2 simply had so many episodes that had to be completed quickly, it was inevitable that they'd contradict each other in a number of places, and new characters kept popping up without explanation. In Season 3, this was easier to accept because most of the stories took place in space, so most of the new characters didn't need to be properly introduced.


S1 & S3 are serial to a degree. S2 is mostly a slew of new character centric one-offs.
At least S2 gave us several mini arcs to keep things interesting, mostly with the combiners.


Continuity wasn't very good in G1. Many characters had very different origins, while one episode they were shown as built on earth, another episode they might show them back on Cybertron. There's a lot of things in this series that I didn't care about when I was younger, but now as an adult I'm shocked about.


Yeah, S2 really felt like they really trying hard to push the toys into the market. It's a good thing S1 and 3 did take it self a little more seriously though the inclusion of Octane was a little batty because Blitzwing was no longer in the toy market.

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